(Y/N) Sora Garrett 👩🏼

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We walk outside, it's already starting to get dark.

"Your friends didn't know who you were?"

"Nope, none of them."

"Even the one called Sanji."

"No, we grew up together too."

"We don't have to fight, you can come peacefully."

"I'm not leaving my crew and I'm especially not leaving Sanji. After 11 years we're finally together. I'm not giving him up so easily."


"(Y/N)!" Luffy comes running out with Chloe next to him.

"You can do this (Y/N)!" Chloe already started cheering.

Everyone else follows them out. Except for Sanji and Reiju.

"It seems we'll have an audience."

"Seems like it."

- Sanji -


"(Y/N) is her. Mean she knows who I am. But she's never said anything."

"Sanji!" Reiju holds me, "I don't think (Y/N) knows who you are."

"How do you know that? Kory knew who I am..."

He was Mum's royal guard. That's why he always looked after me.

'Sanji are you okay?'
'I'm okay, it's just a small cut.'
'Let me see, you'll be okay. You know Sanji you're a great cook. I don't doubt you'll be an amazing chef when you get older.'
'You really think so?'
'I know so.'
'Sanji ~'
'(Y/N) looking for you, haha. Sanji can you make me a promise?'
'Look after (Y/N) when you're older.'
'Look after (Y/N)?'
'Sanji ~ Let's go play ~'
'I'll look after (Y/N).'
'You're a good man Sanji.'


"Uhh... I have to stop (Y/N) from fighting." I run out of the restaurant.

"It's about time you got out here," why is Mosshead letting (Y/N) fight?

"(Y/N) going to get -"

Clang ~

Their swords clash together. "I'm not going down without a fight Monark." (Y/N) pushes him back.

"Seems your swordplay has grown."

"Seems our information is outdated."

"The eagle talks?"

"Ulysses isn't an eagle. It's a falcon ~" Chloe looks at me, and quickly goes back to the fight. "You can do it (Y/N)! ~"

"(Y/N) can hold her own," Reiju stands beside me.

"She shouldn't be fighting."

"Hostile incoming." The falcon flies up.

"(Y/N) isn't a hostile -"

(Y/N) just misses him and jumps back. "You know Monark it feels you're holding."

"You think so?"

"You're one of the galaxy's best bounty hunters. I get that I'm Guardian and all. You could put a bit more effect in. If I wanted a lazy fight I would fight Zoro."


She smiles and laughs. Monark goes to attack her!


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