Bye Big Brother 😢

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Christmas night after you and Sanji had your make-out session. You lay on the bed, hand in hand. Talking about the day and past Christmas'. Sanji walk you back to your hoping you would say something. But you didn't.

Over the next four days, he tried to get you to talk. About what happened in space. What you did with Quill and the others. What you did as a duchess with Vic. Most time you brush over the details. He wishes you would tell him.

You and Sanji were in the kitchen tidying up. You look out the window. "Looks like we'll be able to go out today. People have started shovelling the snow."

"That's good, we can get a few things."

"What do we need? I thought we had enough of everything?"

"Just a few extra things."

"What are you thinking of making?" Your interest peek.

"I was thinking of making (F/S)."

"Really? ~" Your eyes light up. "I mean you don't have to."

"Haha, I know. But I want to." He leans down to you.

Just as he's about to kiss you, the door opens.

"(Y/N) we're - Oops sorry. Didn't mean to intrude on your." Quill looks between you pair.

"What is it, Quill?" You turn to him, hand on your hip.

"We're about to head out."

"What?!" You run over and hug him. "Why are you leaving me?"

"Got to keep the galaxy safe."

"Fuck the galaxy!"

Everyone looks towards the kitchen.

"We live in the galaxy."

"Live on Oda, we're far enough away from everyone else!"


"No, you can't leave me!"

Quill tries to walk out with you attach to him. "We have to go..."

"No! I refuse!"

Sanji follows you both out. He's had you cling on to his arm as kids. You didn't want to leave him. This time... You went a little overboard.

"Let go of Quill," Gamora glares at you.

"Make me!" Gamora comes over, "shit!" You quickly kick your boots off. And freeze your arms around him. Along with the blasters. "How you like me now!"

"Quill..." She looks to Quill.

"Come on... (Y/N) its... Freezing..." He shivers.


"(Y/N) has frozen her people before." Drax watches the three of you.

"She's frozen people before?" Usopp dare asks.

"Yes, then I destroyed them."

"Uhh... Okay..." Usopp takes a few steps away.

"(Y/N) let go of Quill!" Gamora tries to break the ice.

"NO!! You're not my sister-in-law!! I don't have to listen to you!!"

"(Y/N)," you look over to Reiju.

You start pouting, and your lips quiver. "But I'll miss my big brother... How am I supposed to protect him if he's gone..." You buried your head into Quill's back.

Reiju retracted what she was going to say. She couldn't bring herself to tell you to let go.

"(Y/N)," you knew you had to let go. The ice melted, and Quill turned around. "We'll be fine."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now