Changes ➿

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I'm so happy, finally back with Sanji! Oh, my stars... He's gotten hotter, more muscular. And he's got facial hair, oh stars...

"(Y/N) you okay?"

I'm snapped out of my daze. "Just taken in how much you've changed."

"I haven't changed that much."

"You maybe not, but your look has." He looks away, "don't be like that. I like you no matter what you look like." I heard him mumble something, I didn't catch.

He turns back, I can see a slight tint of red on his cheeks. "So you have a brother now?"

"Yes sadly, my older brother Peter Quill aka Star-Lord." He looks at me a little concerned. "There's nothing to worry about. He's just a big idiot. That likes getting me into dangerous and deadly situations. And situations that land us in gaol."

"What?! What kind of brother is he?"

"As I said he's an idiot, haha. Don't worry he gets me out of it. Even if it is 12% of a plan, haha."

"How could Zeff let you go off with someone like that?" He breathed out a puff of smoke.

"He didn't get a say."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a very long story and a story you won't believe."

He stops, I notice we're on the edge of town. "What do you mean I won't believe you?"

"When I tell you, you'll think it's a lie. Even Grandpa thought I lost the plot, at one point."

"Zeff didn't believe you?" He was taken back.

"Nope, not until I had proof. Even then he said it was still hard to believe." He stood there shocked.

I was very much a spoiled little girl, that got away with most things. One thing I could never do was be on my own. Everyone on the Baratie, especially Grandpa and Sanji protected me. I was a rose in a glass dome. Never to be taken out or touch. That one night change my entire life. I believe it was for the better. Even if Grandpa and Sanji don't agree with it.

"Let's talk about something else and not my idiot brother. What's been happening with you?"

He snapped out of it, "about me? Luffy getting us into trouble. Luffy eating all the food we have. Not much really."

"Really? You're saying in three years, you've done hardly anything? Did you at least flirt with some beautiful girls?" His smoke dropped out of his mouth, completely shocked I ask.

I know Sanji all too well. Whenever he saw a beautiful girl, he always without a doubt flirted with them. I'll admit it always hurt watching him flirt with them. He never flirted with me, probably cause of Grandpa... Or didn't see me as a girl... I knew I held some kind of spot in his heart... I think... I played with the necklace that Sanji gave me, under my sweater.

"Is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh no just playing with my necklace."

- Sanji -

Her necklace? She doesn't mean the one I gave her. She pulls out the necklace and adjusts it.

It was the necklace I gave her, but the stone looks different

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It was the necklace I gave her, but the stone looks different.

She caught me staring. "Sorry, while I was away. There... Was an 'incident', which change the stone."

I look at it more carefully, it was like the inside of the stone was moving. I guess like a whirlpool mix with stars? I'm not sure.

"No, it's okay, it's just a necklace. Just as long as you didn't get hurt."

"Hurt isn't the word I would use... And it's not just a necklace..." She held on to it.

I took her hands, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

She half-heartedly laughs, "you wouldn't have been able to. Trust me, even Quill had difficulty saving me. I'm back now, that's all that matters." She smiles, I know she's just trying to comfort me. I can't help but feel guilty for not being there for her.

"Have you found any leads to the All Blue yet?" She perked back up.

"No, I haven't. I'll find it one day."

"Don't worry you'll find it one." She smiles brightly, she always encourages me to never give up on finding it.

"(Y/N) what has happened in the last three years?" I want to know exactly what she's been doing.

She holds my hand, "a lot happened. Maybe some you won't agree with. Just know Sanji," she pulls me close. Wraps her arms around my neck, our faces mere centimetres apart. "You were my reason to keep pushing forward, to never give up. And..." She gets closer, "I didn't risk my life. To come back and not steal this."

"Ste-" I'm cut off her lips smash into mine.

Her lips... They're so soft, so... Enticing... Just as I was about to wrap my arms around her. She pulls away, "I may not be able to steal much. But at least I got to steal that." She runs off back towards the town. When did we get out of here? "I bet you can't catch me! Hehe."

"Wait up!" I chase after her, catch up to her.

"You finally caught up. Sorry, Sanji to leave you behind." She takes off in the sky. She can skywalk? Two can play this, skywalk after her. "You're no fun Sanji!" She whines, haha.

I chase her back to town, through the sky. She lands and starts running again. Just like old times, I smile and gave chase.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now