Late Night Present 🎁

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"Where's my camera? I thought I took it out of the vial. We need to take our Christmas photo."

"You talking about this?" Quill got my camera.

I take it, "yes that. What do you want?"

"You going to see Sanji ~"

"You told Sanji you know about us?"

"Maybe," I look at him. "I said you had a 'nice' present for him."

"You know 'nice' can mean many things right."

"Oh ~"

"Don't oh me." I set the camera on the desk. "Even if we oh, what if he wants something more from the oh? How am I supposed to tell him?"

"(Y/N) you stress to much."

"Right, it's to early for that." I turn around to Quill. "What if we move quickly? Sanji and I have known each other since we were kids. Really there's no need for us to wait. We're pirates, age doesn't matter to us. I'm an outlaw, so rules and laws never apply to me. Why would relationship rules apply to us."

Quill grabs, "don't worry about it. You're Guardian, you can do it."

"Right, right, I can't be nervous. Quill..."

"What is it, Little Sister?"

"I can always return to being a Guardian right? I can come back and join you, on your crazy adventures."

Quill sits me on the bed, "you know Sanji a good guy. You haven't stopped smiling since I've been here. Mean beside his brothers annoying you."

"They are annoying, more annoying than you. Peter... What if he finds out, he does think of me as a woman? Cause I can't have kids."

"I don't think Sanji like that."

"You're right..."

"Of course I'm right."


"You can always come back to the Guardians. I don't think Sanji will think less of you." He stands up, grabs my camera holds it out to me. "Go your prince is waiting for you."

I stand up and take my camera. "Thanks..."

"I am looking for a way."

"I remember..."

"Go, woo your prince."

"Wooing now..."

"Whatever your people call it."

"I'm not going to answer that." I check my camera.

"I am happy for you. Your mum and dad would be happy to."

"Thanks, Quill, it means a lot. Can I get a photo of us?"

"Anything for my little sister."

I get my camera earpiece. "Ready?"


"1, 2, 3."


I take the photo, it pops up. I send it to him, "I sent it over."

"We look good."

"Of course we do! We are the Star siblings ~" I put it away, "I'm going to go see Sanji."

"Okay, okay. I'm going."

We walk out into the hall. "You're a great big brother."

"I know I am."

I push him, "shut up, haha."

"Goodnight little sister."

"Goodnight big brother."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now