Annoying 😒

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Some time to myself. Rocket and Usopp showing each other their gadgets. Gamora with Chloe and Zoro. Drax is annoying Yonji. Quill telling Luffy about our 'adventures'... Groot? I think he's off somewhere. I'm sure I'll hear from him soon... Everyone else is off doing their own thing. Sanji is in the kitchen with Reiju.

Three out of five siblings. Where's the other two?

"What are you reading?" There one...

"Looks like scribbles," there's two...

Why did they have to come annoy me? "It's not scribble, it's Xandain."

"Xandian?" Ichiji sits beside me. A little to close...

"Where's that?" Niji sits on the coffee table.

"You know tables are for glasses. Not asses right?" He groans sits on the lounge across from me. I go back to my book. "Even if I told you. Doubt you would believe me."

"You're assuming we won't be able to comprehend what you're saying." Inchiji

"I assume you are dumbasses." Niji cracks his fingers. "If you want to fight Bluey. I'll put you on your ass before you can say snaggle berries."

"Why you -" He goes quiet, "you going to tell us about Xander..."

"Don't feel like it." I flip the page, really don't care for them.

"We're interested..." Ichiji sounds so enthusiastic.

This is going to be a pain... "You can see, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot are different. That's because they're from a different planet."

"Planet?" Ichiji

I press a button, Oda appears. "We live on a planet called Oda. Our planet is to far away from others. Hence why we've never had contact from other civilisations. We travel by spaceship." Our ships appear, "there's no air in space. If you don't have a helmet on." I press the button to show them, press it again. "You will suffocate, and die. Now can I go back to my book?"

"Tell us more," I look at Niji.

"Did you actually understand it? Or are you trying to waste my time?"

"We're interested in what you have to say." Ichiji

"You know if you want to know more. You could at least sound enthusiastic."

"We don't do enthusiastic..." Niji

"Couldn't tell..." Where's Sanji...

"About your spaceship?" Ichiji.

SANJI! Get out here now! Maybe if I give them too much information quickly. They'll fuck up, leave me alone. I just want to read my book...


"That's very interesting," Ichiji smiling. It's freaking me the fuck out.

"I'm going..." Niji gets up walks off.

"So you actually understood what I was saying?"

"Yes, I did. Can I have a look at your helmet?"

"Hahaha, fuck no." His smile drops, "what on Oda makes you think. I'll let you have a look at my helmet? Fuck me, haha."

"I'm interested to know more about you."

"I'm leaving," I get up to go find Sanji.

"At least I'm interested in you."

"Hey, Ichiji."


"You know nothing about Sanji. Also," I flip him. "Sit and rotate," I walk off towards the kitchen.

I knock, "come in ~" So Reiju is still in there.

Go in, see the two of them baking. I sit on the stool.

"Is something wrong?" Sanji looks over.

"Ichiji and Niji are annoying as fuck. I rather deal with deadly snaggle pusses, than them."

"What's a snaggle puss?" Reiju

"It's kinda like a cat mix with hmm... Mix with a giant Venus flytrap."

"It sounds cute ~"

"It is cute, but it'll rip your head off if you eat its berries. It'll ripe your head off anyway."

"Oh okay, I think I might leave." Reiju cleans her hands.

"You don't have to leave because of me."

"It's not you, don't worry. I have to talk to Nami about something. Bye ~" She leaves the kitchen.

Sanji looks pretty annoyed. Hmmm... Is anyone coming here in the next five minutes? Close my eyes, see five minutes ahead. No one, good ~

I hop off the stool, walk over to him. "Sanji ~"

He snaps out of it, "do you need something?"

"You have some icing on your lips ~" I dip my finger in the icing, without him seeing. He wipes his lips, "you miss it ~"

"Where is it?"

"Right," I cover his bottom lips in icing. "There ~"

"(Y-Y/N), what are you doing?"

"Helping you clean yourself ~"

I hold his face kiss him, start sucking on his lip. Feel him tense up, he quickly pulls me closer.

Break the kiss, "you shouldn't waste icing like that."

"Who said I was wasting it? ~" See there is still some icing on my finger. "Shall suck the rest off or did you want to? ~" He looks at me shock, "okay I will ~" Close my eyes, suck the rest of the icing off. "So tasty ~"

Sanji let's go of me, runs. "Sorry (Y/N)..."

Open my eyes, he's holding a paper towel to his nose. Walk over to him, "did I hit your nose?" I turn to him and try to have a look at him.

"Uhh no. I'm fine..."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I am. Don't worry about it." He wipes his nose, throws it away. Holds me, "what did you want to cook tonight?"

"I don't know. We'll see what we have."

"Weren't you reading your new recipe book?"

"Your annoying ass brothers decided to interrupt me."

He growls, "wasting (Y/N)'s precious time."

"You're wasting my precious time. Thinking about your brothers. You know we could be doing something else. Like I don't know. Kissing?"

He smiles at me, "sorry for wasting your time. I'll make it up to you ~"

"So you should ~"

He kisses me, starts our small make-out session. If only Sanji and I could be left alone. Not worry about interruptions.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now