Do You Believe Me? 😯

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I laugh to myself, this was the start of my new life, the new me.

"What are you laughing about?" Sanji asks as he places drinks down for us.

"I was just remembering the day I was abducted that's all."

"You think it's funny?"

"No, it wasn't funny. Back then I could do things, I shouldn't be able to do. Later found out why I could. The day my life changed for the better."

He looks away, I know he doesn't like it. I can't depend on people to always protect me. Sanji can't always be around to save me.

"So where do you want me to start?" He turns back and looks at me, I smile at him.

"How about the day you got abducted."

"It was about a week after you left. Grandpa called me downstairs. Handed me your lighter, and said he found it while cleaning up. I went out on the deck to look at the stars. As I was sitting there I thought I saw a shooting star. Turn out to be Yondu's ship, the Eclector."

"His ship floats in the sky?"

"This is where you won't believe." Press a button on my helmet and the Eclector appears. "It's called a spaceship or ship. You can travel throughout the galaxy amongst the stars. It also homes the M-Ships." Quill's ship appears, "this one Quill's he calls it the Milano."

Sanji just stares at the ships, I knew he wouldn't believe me

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Sanji just stares at the ships, I knew he wouldn't believe me. I sigh and turn my helmet off.

"Why did you -"

I cut him off, "Sanji I can see you don't believe me. We'll forget about it." I get up and leave, Sanji grabs my hand. I turn back to look at him.

"No, it's not that. It's... They float in the sky?"

"Technical they hover, and no he's not a Devil Fruit User." I sit back down and continue.

"I imagine the ships fairly large." I nod and press a button so Sanji could see the size difference. He was astounded. "How didn't Zeff or the others notice it?"

"They were drinking and it happened pretty quick. They beamed me, I came face to face with Yondu. He said that his men wanted to eat. I pretty much went running and ran into Quill."

"Wait, you said eat you?"

In more ways than one... "Yep, it was more of a scare tactic." I think... I still don't get why he says it. "But anyway, I saw Elemental Blaster on his hip."

"What's an Elemental Blaster?"

"It's like a gun, but it shoots elements of fire, water, mud, air, and lightning. Only Quill could use it. When Yondu and his men caught up to me. I pulled the trigger and a fireball came out. We later found out that the Elemental Blaster is used by the royal Spatax Empire."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now