A Brother? 🧍🏼‍♂️

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"You've heard of me?" You blushed a little, a big name pirate knowing your name.

"Haha, yes I've heard you're quite the fighter. Kicks are like an arrow piercing a man's chest."

"Yip, they are! I've seen (Y/N) fight multiple times! She's amazing!"

"Haha, thanks, Chloe. Chloe said you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes, the food was flavorful. I was wondering who taught you to cook?"

"My grandfather taught me. Then he had his apprentice/my close friend teach me instead."

"Does your friend have a name?"

You blushed harder, he notices. "Hehe, (Y/N) doesn't tell anyone Prince Charming's name. She doesn't want to get used, against him. I told her it'll never happen. They would have to capture her first, that'll never happen." She beaming, will pride.

"I see, did Prince Charming give you the name Star-Maiden?"

"Haha, no he didn't. He called just me Precious. My brother gave me the name Star-Maiden."

"His name is Star-Lord!" Chloe shouted, causing the other workers to look at yous. "Hehe, sorry," she smiles and waves. "His real name is Peter Quill. He was a thief for the Ravagers Pirates. Then became an outlaw!" She started to jump with excitement

"Okay, Chloe calm down." You place a hand on her shoulder to stop her from jumping.

"AUNTY CHLOE COME PLAY!" The children shouted for her.

"COMING! Bye Mister Knight! ~"

"Goodbye, Chloe," he chuckled at his new name.

"Haha, anything else I can do for you Jinbe?"

"No, I think I've kept you away from work long enough."

"Haha, don't worry. It's all good, feel free to stop by if you want to talk."

He got up, said his goodbyes and left headed back to the Sunny.

He reaches the Sunny, as he steps on board Luffy jumps out of nowhere. "How was the food? Was it as good as Sanji's?"

Sanji comes out of the kitchen, hearing Jinbe return. Jinbe looked up to the deck, grinned.

"(Y/N)'s food was exquisite. Like that of our own chef."

"Oh man, I wish I went," Luffy started to drool.

"What else did you find out?" Nami walked over. Sanji walked down the stairs interested in what you said.

"She won't reveal Sanji's name. As she doesn't want to be used against him. But she does call Sanji by his pet name."

Sanji turned away trying to hide his blush.

"Ahh, so the Eco Cook has a pet name. I wonder what it is?" Zoro teased.

"A pet name what is it?" Brook asked.

"Pet name? Sanji was (Y/N)'s pet?" Chopper asked.

"No, a pet name is like a nickname. It's used to show affection to a person." Robin answered.

"I bet it's a cool name!" Franky

"What is it Jinbe?" Usopp asked.

Sanji decided to change the topic. "Why does she call herself Star-Maiden?"

"That's right, she's a fighter isn't she?" Usopp remembered.

"She said her brother gave her the name Star-Maiden."

"Brother? (Y/N) doesn't have a brother, she's an only child."

"Did she say what his name is?" Robin asked.

"Chloe her friend said his name is Peter Quill, alias is Star-Lord. That he was a thief for the Ravagers Pirates, move on to be an outlaw."

"That's not like (Y/N), Zeff wouldn't allow her to be around people like that."

"We didn't see any other pirate ships around." Zoro

"I've never heard of the Ravagers before," Robin pondered.

"I never came crossed them or heard of them." Nami

"They mustn't be well known then." Usopp

"Does that mean that (Y/N) is a thief too?" Chopper ask

"You saying there's something wrong being a thief?" Nami turns to the little reindeer.

"N-No..." Chopper hides behind Robin.

"Sanji's crush is quite mysterious, yoho."

Luffy started walking off, "where are you going?" Nami asks.

"I'm going to go ask (Y/N) if she's a pirate. And ask her to join the crew. Then we'll have two chefs on board, shishishi." With that, he took off.

"Luffy!" Sanji chased after him.

"Jinbe ~" Nami called to get his attention. He turns to her. "Pet names?"

"Prince Charming and Precious."

Zoro, Usopp and Franky started laughing. Nami and Robin had a little giggle at how cute your names were. Brook was going on how about a prince and princess story he knew about. Chopper still didn't understand why it was called pet name.


"Bye everyone, see you in the morning." You put on your red leather jacket.

"Goodbye everyone ~"

You both wave goodbye, and head to a small cafe on the other side of the island. Said hello to everyone on the way. Children ran up asking to play tag. You both agreed and chased them around for a while. After playing you were back on your way.

"I don't know why you don't want to have kids (Y/N). I love kids, they're so much fun!"

"Being a mum never interested me. If Quill needs me can't go lugging kids around."

"Doesn't Prince want to have kids?"

"He never said."

A couple of kids run past, laughing. Reminded you of when you and Sanji would run around the Baratie.

"I think your kids would be the cutest!" She twirls around.

"Probably, but there are things I want to do. Having kids would only get in the way."

"I can't see why you can't bring them along. Drax would cherish them, and Gamora would love to train them. Material arts, swords, guns. Oh and Rocket could teach how to make high-tech weapons. Groot... Umm... Well, Groot will love them anyway. And Quill would love more little stars!"

You shook your head, "those are some good points. But we do dangerous, crazy and risky things. Kids could get hurt or worse. And I don't think Prince is going to leave his friends behind."

"Oh right..."

You walk the rest of the way in silence. You reach the cafe and order your drinks and a slice of cake each. Sit out the front of it, enjoy the view of the sea.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, Chlo?"

"Do you think I can have kids with your kind?"

You look over at her and see hope in her eyes. "I don't see why not. You are a human right? So yeah you should be able to have kids."

She sits back and smiles, "I'm so glad."

The two of you sat back, relaxing at the cafe for the rest of the afternoon until it was time to go home and make dinner.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now