A Week Later 📆

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During the week you manage to find a job. No surprise, it was being a cook. It was a family own restaurant, just a nice small one. It was a job to pay the bills. Having a job you fell back into your normal routine. Making breakfast for the girls and their partners. You really didn't mind, the food was always eaten. If not, it was eaten at lunch. You made dinner and dessert.

Cooking was the one thing that made you feel closer to Sanji. Yes, Zeff taught you how to cook, but it was rare. He made Sanji teach you when the restaurant was closed. As you two got older, he would teach you when everyone went to bed. He was the reason you had a wack sleeping pattern. Staying up till midnight and waking up at 5 am. The only exception was when you drank. Then you slept in, still woke up before everyone else.

You hope one day you could meet back up with him. See how he's going and show him your tattoo. It was the only thing that kept you going, for three years.

Meanwhile, Sanji couldn't focus on anything. Nami was right, your island was now a spot on the horizon.

Sanji was on the deck staring at the spot you called home. He didn't notice Zoro coming up.

"Someone nervous."

"Fuck off..." Sanji took a smoke to calm his nerves. He was nervous, he didn't know what to say.

Did you even want to talk to him? Or even see him? Did you still consider him a friend? Did you hate him for not saying goodbye? All these questions and more pledge his mind. One question stood out above them all. Did you have a boyfriend? It's made him sick to his stomach, thinking about it.

"You know could you let her go first. That way you can talk about her. You know 'Ladies first'." He smirks at him.

"Don't be an idiot, of course, I would let her go first."

Even though they don't act like it, the two were close friends. Zoro had told Sanji about Kuina, the promise they made. And her untimely passing. Zoro didn't expect Sanji to do the same. But if Sanji did feel for you and did nothing. He didn't want Sanji to regret it later on.

Zoro took a good look at Sanji. Could see he was worried, he was a nervous wreck. His hands were shaking so much he couldn't light his smoke. Didn't understand why he was so nervous. Not seeing your girlfriend for almost three years. Shouldn't you be excited? Over the moon, he wanted to Skywalk to get there quicker. A thought popped into the greenette's head.

"She's not your girlfriend, is she?" Sanji didn't answer, "fucking hell Sanji... Really? You can tell any girl that you see in a second that you love them. But you can't tell the girl you've known all your life that you love her."

"It's not that easy! She's..."

"Zeff's granddaughter... You aren't kids anymore. I'm sure Zeff would rather you date her than some guy."


Zoro shook his head, "you've got a few hours before we land. Decide what you're doing before we get there." Zoro walked off.

Once again Sanji was left with his thoughts. He didn't want to hurt you in any way. Back then if he had tried to kiss you or say that he loved you. Zeff would kick him or threaten to castrate him. He didn't know what to do... He decided to wait to see what was happening with you. Even then he still didn't have an idea what to do.

- Time Skip Late Night -
- (Y/N) -

I walk out onto the balcony, with a cup of chamomile tea. I sit down and look up at the stars. "The stars are beautiful tonight."

A shooting star goes across the sky. "Wish upon a star..."

I close my eyes and whisper, "I wish to be something more to Sanji. Please!"

I look back up to the stars. "Stupid to wish on a star. The star already died long before you even made your wish. Therefore your wish is already dead. Means I'll never be anything more to Sanji. I'll keep being stupid and wish on each star. Hope one night I wish on a living one."

I finish my tea and go back into my room. Sit on the bed, take my boots off. "Damn my feet are freezing."

Frost starts to crawl up my legs. I grab my thermal socks, put them on. I can feel the frost melting away.

"Being out in the ice ring took a toll on my feet. At least I'm cold-footed and not cold-hearted, haha." I have a little laugh to myself.

I hear a quiet knock at my door. "(Y/N) are you still awake?"

I hop up and open the door. Chloe stands there trembling. "Bad dreams again?" She nods, tears threatening to escape. "Why don't I chase those bad dreams away."

"Yes, please..." She grabs on to me, for dear life.

I close the door, we hop into bed. Lay down and face each other.

"I don't like it when you leave (Y/N)."

"I know you don't. Cap said next time we set out, you can come with."

"I can?"

"Haha, yes you can. Let's go to sleep now."

"Okay. (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, Chole?"

"Thank you for letting me come home with you. I like it better here than space. Space is so scary."

"That's what a family is for. And I'm glad you like it here."

She snuggles into me. I kiss the top of her head and go to sleep.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now