Presents 🎁

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- The handles look more like galaxy. With the colours constantly swirling together -

"Breakfast is ready ~" Reiju helps me set the table.

"I can -" I stop Sanji.

"No! It's your day off! You can sit and eat. Also, you're not allowed to cook on your birthday."

"But -"

Zoro sits at the table, "you heard her. No cooking on your birthday. Don't want to make (Y/N) cry do you?"


I lean into kiss him, stop myself. "You promise you wouldn't make me cry again."

I head back to the kitchen and get the rest.


After breakfast, Chloe helps Reiju and me clean up. And do the dishes. Everyone sitting in the lounge area. It's a tight squeeze for 21 of us. Chloe goes and sits in Luffy's lap. I wish I could sit in Sanji's... I wonder when we'll make us public.

Robin starts handing out presents. Everyone gets what they wanted or something they need. The only ones that haven't had one are Ichji, Niji and Yonji. And Sanji, I'll give him his later ~

"Is that it?" Robin looks under the tree.

"Here! There's three more! ~" Chopper comes around with them. He hands them to Robin.

She looks shocked, "Ichji, Niji and Yonji." She hands them over to them.

"Who would buy us presents?" Ichji looks at it.

"Next time I won't get you a present. Geez... I was trying to be nice." I look at his present, "actually you can give me yours back."

He glares at me, "it's a bottle."

"If you don't want -"

"Headphones?" Yonji looks at them.

"I got them too," Niji looks at his.

"They're in your colours ~" I walk over to them. "These babies can store a shit load of songs. I wasn't sure what music you were into. So I put some of my music on them. These ones are better than the ones you have."

"Why would we -" Niji looks away, and he puts them.

"How does it work?" Yonji puts it on.

"Okay ~"

- Sanji -

(Y/N) sits between them. She didn't tell me she got them presents. I haven't got one from her.

"Jealous?" Quill comes over

"What? No!"

"Don't worry about it. (Y/N) likes to make sure everyone gets a present."

"She's always been like that."

"Or is it that she's between your brothers?" He nudges me...

"She's just teaching them how to work the headphones." (Y/N) is to nice, she didn't need to buy them anything.

"I feel sorry for Ichji, I wouldn't want his present."

"What is -"

"Strawberry whiskey?" Ichji looks at the bottle.

"You like strawberries right? Ignore what Quill says. It's really good, it's also hard to get your hands on. Whether you buy it or steal it."

"You stole it?"

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now