Hospital 🏥

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"Remember Precious Girl, you can't be silly or make too make noise okay?"

"Okay, Mummy ~" I remember my Mum trying to smile. I was confused about why she was smiling weirdly.

I was eight I didn't understand. I was excited to meet my Grandpa for the first time. As we got closer to the room, Grandma looked like she was waiting for us.

"Hello, Grandma ~" I ran up and hug her.

"Hello, Precious Girl." Her hug wasn't the same, it felt painful.

"Can I go see Grandpa now, please?"

"Grandpa, still quite sick. So is his friend..."

"Grandpa has a friend? Please, Grandma, can I go meet them?"

"Daughter, why did you Precious Girl here? I told you not to bring her." I look between my Grandma and Mum. It was the first time I'd seen Grandma so angry.

While Mum and Grandma were fighting I slip behind her. Went into Grandpa's room. As I went in I saw two beds. One on the left I guess was Grandpa. On the right, I couldn't see anyone.

"Who are you little one?" I heard someone coughing, I guess was Grandpa.

I ran over to Grandpa's bed. "Hello, I'm (Y/N). And you're my Grandpa."

"So you're Precious Girl."

"Sure am!" I climb onto his bed.

Remember seeing him skinny and sickly. It didn't scare me. I imagine that's what Grandma was worried about.

"How come you're in the hospital? Grandma said you had a friend, where are they?"

"(Y/N) what are you doing? I told you not to be too noisy."

"I'm not Mummy, I'm just talking to Grandpa."

"It's okay, Madison. She's fine, Sanji still asleep."

"Sanji? Where is he?" I look around the room, my eyes settling on the small bump in the other bed.

Next thing I knew I was by his side. He look more sickly than Grandpa. He had drips and wires coming out of him. Hear someone faintly talking to me.

"Come on Precious Girl let's go. They need their rest."

Someone was trying to pull me away. I refused to move and took his hand and held him tight.

"It's okay Sanji, you'll get better soon. I'll be here when you wake up, it won't be so scary."

Every day after that, I went in talk to Grandpa. Sat by Sanji's side, holding his hand. One day felt him squeeze my hand.

"Grandpa, Sanji squeezed my hand."

He chuckles, " it's about time."


He started opening his eyes, I smiled so happy to see him awake. "Hello, I'm (Y/N). How are you feeling Sanji? ~"


"You still feeling sick?" I lean over to feel his forehead. Notice his cheeks turn bright red, haha. "Doesn't feel like you have a hot. Grandpa, I thought hospitals were supposed to make you better." I look back at him.

"They are Precious Girl."

"Then why are Sanji's cheeks turning red?"


Remember him getting angry, him trying to get out of bed. Till Grandma came in and pushed him back down. The doctor was called in, she looked over Sanji. She said he was okay, I asked about his cheeks. She laughed, said he'll be alright. He didn't speak that day. He only nodded or shook his head. I thought he couldn't talk, cause he had been asleep for too long.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now