Hangover Breakfast 🍳

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"Uhhh..." I try to open my eyes. Slowly open my eyes and my vision is slightly blurry. Rub my eyes, they start to force. There are bottles of champagne over the floor.

"Fuck me... How much did I drink last night? Where's my arrow?"

Look around, can't see it. "Phwwwwwhht."

I hear a bottle smash, it shoots through the door. Raise my hand and catch it mid-air. "Seems one of the girls decided to hide you again. And you smell of wine. Jordy hid you then."

I sit up, "I still feel drunk. Shower then food, sounds good."

I grab my lazy backless dress and head for the ensuite.


"I feel a little sober. Hmmm, I'll leave my hair out to dry. Where's my holster?"

I find it attach it to my right leg. "What's the time? 9:30 am they're be waking up soon. I can't remember if they brought anyone home."

I look around for my music box. "I might listen to some music while I cook. In case one of them did bring someone home."

Make my way downstairs, I'm met with Itzel and Josh naked on the lounge. I look for a blanket and throw it over them. Get in the kitchen and clean up the broken wine bottle. Make a start on breakfast.

Not long I hear groans, then giggles and moans following. "Thank gawd I brought my music box."

I put my headphones on and press the play button.

'Hail (hail)
What's the matter with your head? Yeah
Hail (hail)
What's the matter with your mind
And your sign? And a, oh, oh, oh
Hail (hail)'

"Arrr much better."

'Nothin' the matter with your head
Baby, find it, come on and find it
Hail, with it, baby
'Cause you're fine
And you're mine, and you look so divine'

I start dancing and sliding around the kitchen while cooking. Just enjoying myself while cooking.

As I'm cooking I feel a tap on my shoulder. Stop what I'm doing, pause my music. Turn to see Chloe, "hey Chloe what's up."

"Uhhhh... So sick but yet so hungry..." She rests her head on my shoulder.

I kiss the top of her head, "go sit down. I'll bring you a smoothie."

"And poutine?"

"Smothered with extra cheese curd and thick gravy, haha."

"Mmmm special fries," I sit her smoother down. And she starts drooling, haha.

"OH GAWD ITZEL! YOU HAVE A BEDROOM!" And Jordy up, haha.

"Yesss ~"

Chloe and I start laughing.

"Why didn't you two say anything?"

I go back to cooking, dish up mushroom ravioli asparagus and pour Jordy some coconut water. I place them in front of her.

"They were sleeping, so I put the blanket on them. I was listening to music, I can't hear a thing ~"

"Hungry, more special fries please!"

"Sure thing Chlo." I take her plate to make her some more.

"Hey, Josh, you know she likes it when you play with her butt hole."

"Really now?" I can hear the smirk.

"Don't you darrre ~"

Zara walks in laughing. "Really Zara? You could have gone off at them."

"Why? Cause you didn't get sex, no one else can?"

"It's called decency!"

I dish up Zara's eggs on toast and a glass of tomato juice. "You didn't have sex last night?" I ask carrying Zara's and Chloe's over.

"Thank you ~" Chloe digs in.

"Thanks (Y/N), yep I did. She's getting dressed, she asks if she can have the same. Instead of egg, she wants avocado, please."

"No problem Zara."

"ARRRR!!!!" In runs Sammy, "oh my gawd!"

"Hahaha, I warn you."

"I thought you were joking!"

"Nope ~"

I place Sammy's plate and drink down. "Thank you so much (Y/N)."

"Your welcome Sammy. You might want to get used to those two. They do it quite regularly, especially after a night of drinking."

She bites into her food, her eyes light up. "If I get to eat your cooking. It's worth the blindness." She closes her eye and enjoys her food.

"Haha, thanks, Sammy."

"What I'm not worth the blindness now?"

"More fries, please ~"

"No... You're worth it..."

The two start arguing. I top up Jordy's drink and make Chloe more fries. In comes the two, Itzel with Josh's shirt on and Josh in his boxers.

"Thank gawd you two are done..." Jordy keeps her eyes on her bowl.

"Nope, just getting second best food to eat. Then back at it."

"Ohhh Josh ~"

"Not at the table. Here are your pancakes."

"Mmmm, thank you (Y/N)!" Itzel eyes off the honey. Josh gives me the two-finger statue to say thank you.

"No problem you two. Remember I charge by the hour for babysitting, haha."

"Doly noted Chefy."

I start making my breakfast. A smoothie and a slurpy bowl of chicken noodle soup. Before I sit top up everyone's glasses and plates/bowls. We all talk about last night and how great of a night it was.

Once everyone is done, Jordy, Zara and Sammy do the dishes. Jordy didn't want Itzel and Josh to touch anything until they showered. Chloe helped me with the grocery list and other things we may need.

Once Itzel and Josh finished 'showering', they cleaned up the bottles and cans from the night before. Once everyone was dressed and ready we go out shopping.

- The breakfasts mentioned are good for a hangover. Remember to drink responsibly -

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