Special Orders 🍱

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"Luffy!" Bloody idiot! What does he think he's doing?

He runs into the restaurant, "shit..." I stop outside of it. I go to open the door, but hesitate what do I say?

"Where is she?" Hear Luffy cry.

She's not here? I open the door, she's not here. Walk up to Luffy looks like he's talking to the head chef.

"Sorry, she didn't say where she was going. She and Chloe were spending the rest of the day relaxing."

"Ahhh, but I want to try her food."

"She's be in tomorrow morning."

"What time?!"

"We open at 8am. Tell me what you want, it'll be ready by the time you get here."


"Meat it is, what about you?"

"Me? Well umm."

"Black tea, and..." Wait he actually knows what I have? "I think braised eggs?"

"Yep, 8am and your breakfast will be ready and waiting."

"Shishishi, thanks. See ya," he walks out.

"See ya in the morning kid. Something you need boy?" He looks at me.

"Uhh yeah..." I look around the place, this feels more like where (Y/N) would be. "So umm how long has (Y/N) been working here?"

"About a week now, she was working for my younger brother as a cook for his ship. She's quite talented that girl. She could be working in one of the mainland restaurants. But she chooses to work here. Well, boy I got to get back to work. See you pair in the morning."

"Right..." I left the restaurant and walked around the town.

Tomorrow morning, I'll see (Y/N) for the first time in three years. She's making me breakfast...

For the rest of the day, I walk around thinking about what I'm going to say to her. In the end, I came up with nothing.

- Time Skip Morning -
- (Y/N) -

"BREAKFAST IS MADE AND WAITING! I'LL SEE YOU ALL LATER! LUBE CHAS!" I call from the bottom of the stairs. In reply, I get mumble shouts of lubes back.

I put my jacket on, it was a bit nippy this morning. As I go out I press the button on the collar to turn the back transparent. So I could still show my tattoo off. I hurry along to the Family Home. Dom rang last night, saying I got two special requests. One was nothing but meat and the other braised eggs and black tea. Which was what Sanji always had. It couldn't be Sanji, could it?

I suddenly feel a familiar presence, but it quickly disappears. Look around and see the usual people going to work. Who else would be up at 6am? I close my eyes to try to feel the presence again. I can't feel the presence, here one second and gone the next. Hurry along to the restaurant, I check every so often. See if they come back.

"Good morning everyone!" Walk-in everyone says hello back. I take my jacket off and place it on the racket near the door.

Dom walks out, "(Y/N) I have eight more orders to go with the two from last night."

"No problem, are they written down?"

"List on your bench."

"I'll get on it," walk past him.

"You putting an apron on today?"

"Nope, never have never will."

"Are you ever going to wear a chef's uniform?"



Walk-in everyone preparing meals. Grab the note off my bench. "Hmm, it's just an outline of what people like..."

"What's up Star?" Nayr asks.

"This order, preparing another eight to go with the special order. But it's just an outline of what they like."

"Can I have a look?" I nod and pass her the note. "Well, the one that basically sugar you could make your waffles."

"That's what I was thinking. Maybe breakfast sandwiches. The hamburger one is easy bacon and eggs. Sausages, bacon, eggs and beans."

"What about the seaking meat and rice?"

"I was thinking about a variation of Grillades."

"Oh, that sounds good. You have a fish dish, a curry/takoyaki and the same one from yesterday. The last one you can make a fruit salad."

"I'll think of something. Thanks for the help," I smile at her start preparing. I wonder if Jinbe coming this morning then.

"I didn't do anything but okay, haha."

As I cut the seaking meat, an idea comes for the pike. "The pike I could a lox variation! Oh and instead of oranges I'll do sparking tangerines! And slow-cooked blueberry toast!"

"Still got the curry/takoyaki dish."

"Right... Hmmm..." I rattle my brain for ideas on what to do. "Got it! A style of takoyaki but instead of octopus breakfast foods."

"How do you come up with these foods? I would have just cooked whatever." Joshua comments.

"I want to cook food that they'll eat. Otherwise, what's the point of cooking then?"

"You know we have a menu for a reason, right." He glances at me.

"Yes, but I like a challenge sometimes. It keeps me on my toes."

The same presence comes and goes again.

"Star you alright?"

"I'm fine Nayr, just thinking."

"Okay ~"

I go back to preparing. Why is this person coming and going so quickly? I don't understand. And where are they going? If they do anything I'll have to be ready to fight back.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now