Killing Me 😵

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That's not fair! Sanji can Spacewalk too! As I'm running I see Zoro.

He turns to see me, "he's chasing after you?"

"Only cause I bet he couldn't catch me." I run past and wink.

I look behind me and see Sanji about to pass Zoro. "Poor girl has to make bets to get you to chase after her." I see Zoro shake his head in disapproval.

"Shut your mouth Moron!" He stops and starts fighting him.

I stop and turn around. "I knew you didn't want to catch me!"

"Now look you're breaking her heart. What kind of man are you?" See Zoro smirking.

I couldn't hear what Sanji was saying to him. It just made Zoro's smirk bigger.

"I guess I'll go home, be all alone." I took off hoping he would start chasing me again.

Decided not to look, I didn't want to be disappointed in case he didn't. I ran back home, could see Jordy was home.

"Good the door should be unlocked." I burst through the door.

"Hey, Jordy! Bye Jordy!" I jump upstairs, dash into my room close the door.

I couldn't help myself, I wanted to know if Sanji followed. Close my eyes, and try to focus to feel Sanji. Sense he's in the house, "I have to hide!"

Open my wardrobe, hide behind the clothes. Cover my mouth and try to suppress my giggles. I suck at hiding. Most of the time he found me. I feel him getting close, and hear the door open. Jordy must have told him which room was mine. The wardrobe door slides open.

Pushes the clothes aside and smiles at me. "Found you." He smiles down at me.

"Oh, Sanji you're so mean! ~" I whine, he holds his hand out for me. I take and climb out.

"It's not that hard to guess, since that's where you always hide."

"You could pretend to look somewhere else." I playful cross my arms and pout.

He chuckles a little, "maybe next time."

"Meanie ~" Turn back and stick my tongue out.

"You got your tongue pierced?"

Fuck... I forgot about that... "Yes I did, is that a problem?


"Umm about two and a half years ago. Yondu took me out for the day. We walked past a tattoo place, he asks if I wanted one. I said naa I rather my tongue pierced. Took me in and got it done."

"Who's Yondu?" He looks a bit annoyed

"Adoptive Dad, haha. Don't worry, I never had a boyfriend. Plus I think Yondu would kill him. Literally..." He was very protective of me, but at the same time wasn't worried about me fighting.

"I don't think you should be hanging around those types of people." Sanji lit up another smoke, clearly annoyed.

"What do mean by that?"

"People that get you into dangerous situations. Make you change your appearance, kill people."

There's that display again... "Sanji," I stare into his grey-blueish eyes sternly. "I understand you and Grandpa want to keep me safe and protect me from the world. But do you know by doing that, you were killing me?" At the end my voice was soft.


"You's wouldn't let me do anything. At the slightest bit of an altercation. I was told to go upstairs. Even play fighting for that matter, I was told to go. I was like a rose, in a glass dome. I could see the outside world, but I was never allowed to grow or bloom. About a week after you left with Luffy I was abducted by Yondu and his crew." I could see he was pissed, especially after all my abductive is my adoptive Dad.

"That night changed my life and for the better. He allowed me to defend myself, allowed me to fight. To take chances, to risk it all or get nothing. Sanji he allowed me to grow, I was allowed to bloom into the person I am today."

I could see the sadness in his eyes, he looked away. "What person is that?"

I turn his face to look at me. "A kind woman that can fight. Fights for those she cares about." His cheeks turn pink, I smile at him. "How about I get us a drink?" I let go of his face and walk out.

- Sanji -

She left the room, her words stuck in my head.

'You were killing me...'

Was I really doing that to her? I was just trying to protect her. I didn't want her to get hurt. I didn't want to lose her.

"Sanji?" I looked up, she looks worried. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm fine." She handed me a drink. "Thank you."

"I know you're lying Sanji. You were thinking about what I said, weren't you?"

I look away, "is that how you really felt? That I was killing you?"

"Yes, I couldn't do anything. I know you were trying to protect me." She places her drink, she cups my hands. "I appreciate everything you did for me. From protecting me, teaching me to cook, and taking me to the island for the day. Please don't beat yourself up over it." She closed her eyes and smiled.


(Y/N) let's go of my hands. I can't believe I made her feel like that.

"I'm in my room, Chlo."

Hear Chloe and Luffy laughing, coming up the stairs. "Sanji you're here too!"

"Sanji! Chloe and (Y/N) are joining the crew! Shishishi."

"Yip Yip! ~ We're Straw Hats now!" See Chloe got a straw hat, similar to Luffy's.

"I see, haha. You best return the girls' stuff then."

She looks the other way, "I don't know what you mean."

"Chloe you have to return everything. You can keep the stuff you took off me."

"What if I ask to keep it? I'm going to miss them."

"You can go ask."

"Yip! Come on Luffy!" She pulls him away.

(Y/N) stands there smiling. It was the type of smile, she had when we were together. "We're going to be living together again." She says softly, her eyes glass over.

Place the drink down, walk over to her. "(Y/N) you okay?"

She looks back at me, her eyes are breathtaking. "I'm just overjoyed that's all."

"To be a pirate?"

"Haha, I was already a pirate silly. I'm just overjoyed that I'm back, and I finally got to see you again."

"You're acting as if you left, you weren't able to come back." She looks at me as if I hit it on the head.

She comes over and hugs me. "You don't know how hard I fought to get back here. Just to see you again." I just hear her.

What exactly has she been doing?

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now