Sanji Knows... 🫢

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Reiju was heading towards your room. To thank you for the day, again for her present. She sees Quill go into your room. She thought she'll be quick. Not to bother you both. As she gets to the door she hears you talking."

"You know 'nice' can mean many things right."

"Oh ~"

"Don't oh me. Even if we oh, what if he wants something more from the oh? How am I supposed to tell him?"

"Tell him? Tell Sanji what?"

"(Y/N) you stress to much."

"Right, it's to early for that. What if we move quickly? Sanji and I have known each other since we were kids. Really there's no need for us to wait. We're pirates, age doesn't matter to us. I'm an outlaw, so rules and laws never apply to me. Why would relationship rules apply to us."

"Don't worry about it. You're Guardian, you can do it."

"Right, right, I need to be nervous. Quill..."

"What is it, Little Sister?"

"Awe they're so cute."

"I can always return to being a Guardian right? I can come back and join you, on your crazy adventures."

"What? She can't leave Sanji! I won't have a cute little sister-in-law."

"You know Sanji a good guy. You haven't stopped smiling since I've been here. Mean beside his brothers annoying you."

"Sanji hasn't stopped smiling either."

"They are annoying, more annoying than you. Peter... What if he finds out, he doesn't think of me as a woman? Cause I can't have kids."

"What? Is this what she meant? Sanji wouldn't think less of her."

"I don't think Sanji like that."

"You're right..."

"Of course I'm right."


"You can always come back to the Guardians. I don't think Sanji will think less of you. Go your prince is waiting for you."

"I better go, I'll quickly see Sanji." She heads down to head towards Sanji's room. She knocks on the door.

Sanji opens it thinking it was you. "(Y/ - Reiju hi.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes, come in." He steps aside. "Did you need something?" He closes the door.

"I want to talk to you. It's about (Y/N)."

"Is (Y/N) okay?" He goes to run out the door.

"(Y/N) okay, mostly."

He looks back at her, "what do you mean?"

"Come sit," she pats the spot next to get.

He sits next to her, "what do you mean mostly? Did something happen to (Y/N)?" Sanji was getting worried.

"Remember when you told me, (Y/N) was frozen?"

"I remember."

"I found out this morning that she's able to freeze things. And that if she doesn't wear her boots or socks. She'll freeze."

"Yes, she froze the door shut..."

"I don't think that's the only thing that happen to her."

"Taserface hurt (Y/N)?"

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now