Reiju 💖

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I knock on the door, Sanji doesn't say anything. I can hear him cooking, open the door peek in. "So can I enter without a knife flying at my head? Or should I wait a bit longer?"

Sanji sighs, I walk over to him. "Why did you let them in?" He cut up a piece of meat.

"Like I said it's cold outside. You can't let them freeze to death."

"Why not?" Voice lace with venom.

"Because... It's scary, not knowing if you're alive or dead."

"Fuck..." He puts down the knife and holds me. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay..." Nuzzle into his chest, he's so warm.

"I don't have the best relationship with my brothers... I don't want to see them. Reiju she's the only family member I care about."

I pull back a bit. "That's understandable, Niji is an asshole, Ichji seems stuck up. Yonji hasn't said much, so I can't say."

"That's putting it nicely. Look (Y/N)..." He looks away.

"You're afraid they'll say something you don't want me to find out about." He doesn't answer, "so what. It doesn't matter if they say something. I'm not going to think differently about you. You're still the Sanji I grew up with."

He looks back at me. "There are some things I don't want you to know."



"I'll find out about them eventually. I bet you wouldn't have told me, you had siblings if they didn't show up, right?"

"You're right..."

"I'm always right," he laughs. "Now is there anything I need to know? Like allergies?"

"No..." That was too suspicious...

"You're trying to kill them. That's evil Sanji ~ You don't kill by allergies. You use highly potent poison, then you shove the vail down their throat!" He looks at me in shock, "I know how to murder people. I did live with an assassin and an intergalactic criminal. But they rather slice and destroy their enemies." He looks at me, "I'm not saying to kill your brothers. I'm saying not to waste food."

"I'm concerned about the people you were with."

I start laughing, "you're concerned about them? Wait till I tell you about Loki, ha ha oh..."

"Who's Loki?!"

"He's sorta a friend."

"Sorta a friend?"

"I meet him when we were on Spartax. He was trying to get the Comic Seed, like J'son. At the same time take the throne off of his father Odin. Odin was in the Odin Sleep."

"So he's a prince?"

"Yep, the prince of Asgard. Also the God of Mischief. Haha, good times." Look at Sanji why does he look angry? We hear a knock at the door. "Come in?"

In walks Reiju, "I hope I wasn't disturbing anything?"

"No, we were just talking." Look back at Sanji, "Sanji?"

"Did you need anything Reiju?"

"I'm alright, thank you Sanji. I came to say thank you for letting us stay."

"It's okay, can't let yous freeze out there."

"So what were you two talking about?" She walks over to the island and sits on the stool. She looks between us. Is she sussing us out?

"Not much really," I smile at her.

"Nami was saying you and Sanji have been friends since you were kids." She smiles at me.

Bloody Nami... "That's right, 11 years now."

"11 years?" She looks to Sanji.

"Yes, (Y/N) was eight, I was ten." Turns around and goes back to cooking.

"Do you need any help?" I look at him, hoping he'll let me.

"No, I'm okay. Thanks (Y/N)."

That's not fair! I don't want to answer her questions!!

"You're a chef too?"

"No, I'm just a cook."

"Did you live close to each other?"

I look back at Sanji, he's keeping quiet. Damn you! "I use to live on the Baratie part-time."

She looks between us. "How come?"

"I live with my Grandma, sometimes she drops off at the Baratie. I would stay with Grandpa and Sanji."

"Your grandpa wasn't Zeff was he?"

"Yep, he was ~ Red foot Zeff, my Grandpa ~"

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!!" Saved by Chloe!

"That's Chloe better go." I leave the kitchen. I wonder what Chloe wants.

- Sanji -

I hear Reiju get up, "I knew Zeff had a daughter. She disappeared years ago. I didn't know he had a granddaughter."

"(Y/N)'s parents were abducted."

"What? By who?"

"A man called Yondu. He abducted (Y/N) three years ago."

"She escape, what happen to her parents?"

"It's a long story."

"I got time, I'm sure Niji won't start a fight."

"Hmm..." He spits on (Y/N) again...

"Sanji tell me, I'm your big sister."

I stop cooking, "Yondu was supposed to take her, and her parents away when we were kids. Some reason he couldn't find her. They join his crew, they went on a mission and died. A week after I left with Luffy, he abducted (Y/N)."

"He's a pirate?"

"Yes, also an interstellar criminal, thief, smuggler. Bandit, mercenary and bounty hunter."


"Space," I tell her everything. Everything about space that is.


I grip the bench. "You remember what you told me before I left?"

"About Mum's dream? Yes, I remember. (Y/N) from an unknown Empire?!"

"The Duchess of Spartax."

"You're together! That's why you went off at Niji and Ichiji." I don't answer her, "you are together right? Sanji, are you or are you not?"

"I don't know..."

"It's either yes or no."

"I don't know."

"You love her yes?"

I look away, "she told me she almost died twice. I would have never known what happen to her."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes, I love her!"

"You're meant to be together. Ask her out."

"It's not that easy..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean -"


That's (Y/N) yelling, who is she yelling at?

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now