Ice Skating ⛸

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I was hoping to bring in the new year with Quill and the others. I'll ring them on the day.

"You okay (Y/N)?"

Look at Sanji, "yeah. I just miss them already."

"I'm sure Quill and the others will be alright."

"I know they will. I can't be there when they need help."

"Don't you want to stay here?"

"I do want to stay here. But if I know I can help them. I want to be able to help. I can't lose any more people I care about. The galaxy is a dangerous place. Oda the safest planet. Safe as any planet can be."

"Do you want to be a Guardian again?"

"I'm always a Guardian. It's not something you can give up. I'm protecting Chloe. Making sure she's safe and happy."

"I don't think you have to worry about that. Luffy doing a good job at that."

"I know, I need to keep an eye on her emotions."

"I remember, she's been good. She seems to share everything with Luffy."

"She does, except for the part that she's a dragon."

"I'm sure she shares her secrets."

"She doesn't really have many secrets."

"I'm sure she has some. Everyone does."

"Sanji what is it you want to know? You've been asking me for four days. Asking about when I was with Quill and Vic."

"I want to know what you were doing."

"I told you what I did with Vic. Made Spratax a better place. I travelled around with Quill. Getting into trouble, fights, and doing a bit of good and bad, sometimes both. How about one night, when one of us has watched? I'll tell you about one of my adventures."

"Okay, when we're back out at sea."

"But you have to tell me one of yours. It's only fair."

His smile drops, "that's fair."

People are shovelling an ice rink. "Reminds me of a Christmas that Quill, I and the others had."

"What happen?"

"Quill was a real Grinch. We had a job to catch this guy. The guy ran into Quill. There was a bit of a fight. We got the guy, Quill grabs him and walks off with the shits. I've never seen him like that before. I didn't know how to handle it. Cosmo, he's a Russian dog. Who was sent into space and never return to Earth. He's a telepath who reads minds and takes care of Nowhere. He said he read Quill's mind. He was thinking about Christmas. It was a special day for him when he was a kid. That's why he was acting shitty."

"What was wrong? Did something happen?"

"We thought maybe he missed having Christmas. Drax did his research, star love him. Haha, he dressed Groot up as a Christmas tree. And believed the tree was named Carol. Haha, that I quote, 'fat bearded man in a hover sled powered by underfed mombas.' Hahaha."

"Where did he get his research from?"

"He got it from a television show called A Christmas Carol. That had Christmas ghosts in it. Garmora thought it was stupid and was a waste of time. Quill was interrogating Altru the guy. Altru said he had a good reason for stealing the talisman. Quill hears the others fighting and comes in and tells us to stop the Christmas party. He was really shitty. I ask why was he so upset, but he didn't answer then he walks off."

"He ignored you?"

"Pretty much. We return to the Kallu. Go to hand Altru to Neeza to get our payment. Altru said that Neeza would throw him in the dungeon. That he wouldn't be able to see his family again. We took him to Neeza, and return the talisman. Apparently, it kept away evil spirits that he thought were watching. Altru was taken to the dungeon. We were taken to his treasury vault, we were supposed to get our payment."

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