Landed 🏝

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"Mmmm special fries... More please..."

"Huh?" I open my eyes, see Chloe drooling on me.

"You silly girl," look over to my clock. It's 5 am, I still got a bit before I have to get up. I'll let Chloe sleep little longer.

"Huh? (Y/N) you're awake?"

"You don't need to whisper Chlo. No one will hear you."

"Okay, I know you have work. But can I come with you today, please? I promise I'll be good."

"Sure you can, Dom won't mind. You can help Amber out with the kids."

"Yip yip, hehe."

"Let's get dress and have some breakfast. I have to grab a few things before work."

"Yip ~"


"Good morning everyone! ~" - "Morning." We call out to everyone.

"Good morning, I see the beautiful Chloe has graced us with her presents."

"Hehe, good morning Dom ~ Where's Amber and the children?"

"They're still at home in bed."

"Okay, what can I do to help?"

"If you like you can clean and set the tables."

"Yip ~" I watch her run off to get the stuff.

"Nightmares again?"

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind her being here today."

"It's no problem (Y/N). Chloe family, the kids love her. Chloe playing with the kids helps Amber out a lot."

"I'm glad to hear it. And thanks again, Dom. I'm going to get started."

"I'll be in there in a second."

"Hai," I get started preparing breakfast.


"Hey, Dom! I'm going out for a smoke."

"All good!"

Chloe playing with the kids, I'll let her be. After losing her clan and being the last of her family. She still smiles every day. I go outside sit down.

"Hey (Y/N), how's my brother treating you?"

"Cap', Claire, Max." I look to the little bundle in Claire's arms. "Oh, can I hold her Claire?"

"Of course you can (Y/N), hehe."

"Thank you," she passes her over. "Have you decided on a name yet?"


I look up to Cap', "(F/N)."

"We wanted to name her after a strong woman. Well, you came to our minds. We hope you don't mind."

"No, I'm over joy. But I feel sorry for you. You'll be beating the boys off with sticks when she gets older, haha."

"That's if there's any left over, after you've been at them." Cap' laughs.

"We'll leave the Starmother and Stardaughter together."

"I'm honoured, thank you." I one arm hugged Claire.

Max hugs my legs, "you're my Starmother too!"

"I'm the luckiest Starmother in the galaxy."

They walk in, I'm left with (F/N). "You're a gorgeous little girl."

"Chefy!" I look to Josh running over.

"Josh, what's up?"

"You're not running red are you?"

"Excuse me? That's none of your business!"

"I can't tell if you are or not?"

"No, why?"

"Good, give me your left hand."

"Uhh hold on a second." I move (F/N) around, to free my left hand.

"Thanks, I know you and Itzel have the same size hand. I want to make sure I get the right size." He pulled out a gold, diamond ring. Puts it on my finger.

"Oh, my gawd Josh it's beautiful!" I hold my hand out to look at it.

"Do you think she'll like it?" I hold my hand out for him, he takes it off.

"She'll love it! When are you popping the question?"

"This week, could you?"

"Cook a special dinner and dessert? Yes! Just tell me when!"

"Thank you Chefy! You're a lifesaver! I'll see ya tonight!"

"See ya."

"How's Mummy's gorgeous girl?"

"She fell asleep," I pass her back over.

"It is nap time, thank you (Y/N)."

"Come on, let (Y/N) be. Dom complaining that you're not working." Cap' and Max come out.

"Haha, I'm going. I'll see you guys later, bye."

They said goodbye I went back to work.

- Sanji -

Soon as the sun raised Nami and Jinbe set off. All so I could see (Y/N) quicker. Wish I had more time to think about this.

"Come on let's go find your lady!" Zoro grabs my shoulder.

"Get your hand off of me, moron." I push his handoff.

"Chicken shit much?"

"Fuck off! I can do this on my own..."


"Yes, my dear Nami-san?" Make my way down the ramp. She hands me a piece of paper. "What's this?"

Unfold it says, 'Family Home'.

"It's where (Y/N) working. It's a family restaurant she's an exceptional chef. No doubt it's from your teachings." Robin smiles.

My stomach sinks, "is she now?"

"What's wrong Sanji? I thought you would be happy to see (Y/N) again. She is your girlfriend after all." Nami places hand on her hip.

"No, she's not. Eco cook hasn't got the guts to ask her out." Fucking bastard.

"What?!" Nami screams.

"Wait so (Y/N) isn't your girlfriend? I thought you liked her Sanji." I ignore Luffy's comment. "Hey do you like (Y/N) or not?" I keep quiet, "Sanji answer me! Captain's orders!" He looks serious.

"I thought I was the coward."


Usopp screams, "nothing..."

"Yoho, if you like her why don't you tell her through a song?"

I walk around, "I'm fine..." Go looking for the restaurant.

I ask an older lady walking past, she pointed me in the direction.


"Great what does he want?"

Luffy comes running over. Nami and Robin behind him.

"Did you manage to find the restaurant?"

"Yeah, it's just across the road..." There she is... Holding a baby... Some guy placing an ring on her...

I hear a ringing in my ears, I feel sick and numb.


"I... I have to go..." I leave them behind.

I don't want to see this. I... I was too late...

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now