Taser Face 👤

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- I've rewritten this chapter a dozen times. It was going to Korath as the one that hurt (Y/N). Then (Y/N) had an ongoing fight with him. Then thought of Taser Face, I never liked him. Just before I post this I rewrote it twice -

I held my arm, pisses me off how Taser Face and half the crew betrayed us.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Robin spoke softly.

"It's already out, I'll finish telling you." I breathe out, "this was before we found out we were from Spartax and before you Chloe. We were searching for the comic seed. We were following the CryptoCube, it's like a map. Long the way, we ran into Yondu, my adopted Dad. Quill and I notice there was something strange. Yondu normally calls us and goes off about us not doing our job as Ravagers. Anyway, Quill said for me to call him. He never misses my calls, I'm his girlie." They all look at me strangely. "He doesn't like to call us son and daughter. I called him, but he didn't pick up, I called again still nothing. Quill, I and the others board it was quiet. We were fired on. Our half of our Ravager family betrayed Yondu and Kraglin."

"What happens?" Luffy asked.

"Yondu said if anyone betrayed him. We were to kill them."

"So you killed them?" Zoro

"Yep, Captain's orders. I couldn't believe that they betrayed us. I shouldn't be surprised, they are Ravagers." Fucking Taser Face! When I see him next, I'll kill the fucking bastard!

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" Someone slightly shaking me. Look up and see Sanji concern. "You alright? You zoned out."

I nod and continued. "We found Yondu knocked out, Kraglin said Taser Face lead the mutiny. I ran off to find him, well..."

I run my finger over a very faint scar. Sanji stares at me intently. There's no way he can see the scar. Yondu gave me a cream to get rid of them. I continued, hoping he would stop.

"Found Taser Face near the escape pods. We had a shoot-off, and one of the shots grazed my arm. Quill was coming, so Taser Face threw a bomb. After that, I don't remember much."

"What about the ice?" Usopp asks.

"Space is a cold, cruel place. Being out of for so long, well... You start to freeze..."

"What about air?" Brook

"There's no air in space. If you don't have a helmet, you'll die in a matter of seconds."

"How did you survive, you know till you were... Frozen..." Nami asks.

"Haha, Big Brother Quill got me a helmet that will automatically activate if I'm unconscious."

"You were frozen?" Sanji finally looks up at me, I feel saddens, and guilt.

"Yeah... Rocket said, within 5 or so minutes my body probably froze up. I can't remember when I 'fell asleep'."

There was silence on the ship.

"Quill and the others manage to find me. It took a bit of work. Quill managed to melt the ice that was surrounding me. And get me out of there, and back to the Milano. My feet started to freeze over, so Rocket made me the boots. They keep my feet at a constant temperature. And special thermo socks for bed. Plus side I don't feel the cold either. Also," I kicked off the ground and started to float in the air.

"You can fly?" Chopper

"Aren't you doing what Sanji does, Skywalk?" Usopp asks.

I cross my legs, "no I am actually floating. I can Skywalk, instead, I call it Spacewalk."

Silence fell over the ship again.

"Captain, it is getting rather late."

Jinbe cleared his throat, "yes it is. Thank you, Fear."

"Right we have a big day ahead of us." Nami chips in.

Everyone made their way back onto Sunny. It was just Sanji and me. "Aren't you going back to the Sunny?" Sanji pulls me into his chest and holds me tightly. This isn't normal for Sanji. "Sanji?"

He holds me tighter, I feel him shake, and wrap my arms around him. It's a while before he says anything. "(Y/N)..."

"Yes, Sanji?"

"I promise you if I ever see Taser Face, I'll kill him."

I'm utterly shocked at what he said. He'll kill him? That's not like Sanji... I nod and hold on to him tightly. I don't need to worry about Sanji won't get the chance to kill him. We're won't be going into space. I'm sure Yondu will him and kill himself.

'I'll anyone that hurts my girlie.'

I feel his grip on me, "Sanji?" I look up at him.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed."


We jump back over to the Sunny, I put Fei away. He looks off into the distance. "Sanji, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Goodnight Sanji..."

He heads off to the kitchen. I head to the dorm, and as I go in Chloe sleeping in my bed. I get change and hop, admittedly she hugs me.

"Please don't leave me (Y/N)."

"I'm not going to leave you, Chloe. Don't worry. Let's go sleep, goodnight."


Chloe is scared I'll 'leave' her and Sanji... Sanji, not himself. Hopefully, he'll be himself tomorrow. I close my eyes and go to sleep.

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