Chloe ☁️

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"Because she's... She's not completely human..."

She's not completely human? "She's a Devil Fruit User?"


She's not a mermaid, or like the people of Skypiea.

"(Y/N) you can tell me. Your migraine only going to get worse." She could barely open her eyes, tears were streaming down her face. "Please, I swear I won't tell anyone."

"Even a beautiful woman?"

I was taken back, she would say that. Did she not talk to me. Cause she was worried I would tell a woman.

"I'll go back to the dorm," she tries to sit up.

Grab her hand, "I swear to you, I won't tell anyone. That includes beautiful women, even Nami and Robin."

She rests her head on my shoulder and breathes out. "Chloe's race can take the shape of a human. She took this form, to try and protect herself."

"Protect herself?"

"Yes... Just before I return to the Baratie. Quill, the others and I... Found her amongst dead bodies. Surround by her clan and parents. Her mother barely clung to life. When we approach her, her mother tried to kill us. She could barely see or move. But still, she tried to protect Chloe."

"Who attacked the village?"

"No one you would know, or ever run into. But anyway, once she figured we meant no harm. I agreed to be Chloe's protector. Ensure she lived a happy, peaceful life."

"I don't think I've ever seen her without a smile. She's safe, no one going to get near her with us around. Especially with Luffy."

"I'm worried about other people." I'm confused. "Chloe's race is big on socializing, hunting and thrills. That's why I pick that island to live on, it's big enough for her to explore. And we would go hunting sometimes. There are plenty of people for her to talk to, especially children."

"I notice she was good with children, unlike Luffy."

"We're now living in close quarries, Chloe going to... 'Bond' with the crew, they're going to be very tight 'bonds'. Especially her one with Luffy and I."

"I'm still not following you. So she'll be close to everyone, we're nakama."

She shook her head. I could feel how frustrated and in pain she was. "You don't understand. Dragon family ties are very strong! If anyone was to touch, speak ill or attack she will go after them!"


Her eyes shot open wide, she covered her mouth. "I fucked up... I royalty fucked up..." She tried to jump off the bed, but falls. "Vyssith I'm sorry!" She lays down holding her head.

Place her back on the bed. And brush her hair out of her face. She leans into my hand. I wish I could take her pain away.

It wouldn't be the first time Luffy spoke with a dragon. "You don't have to worry, most of us have already met a dragon."

She uncovers her head and looks up at me. "You have? What type of dragon?"

"A millennium dragon called Grandpa Ryu. I didn't know dragons could shapeshift."

"Millennium dragons must be from the mid-class then. Only the greater class can shapeshift. They're extremely intelligent, powerful, and possess great magic."

She seems a little less stressed now. If she keeps talking it may ease a little more. "How many classes are there?"

"There's three, lesser, mid and greater. The lesser are wild. Their language is mostly of roars. No knowledge of technology. They either live in the wild or they're captured and become dragon riders. Then there's the mid-class, they know the human language and knowledge of technology. And are very friendly, and possess some magic. Chloe is of the greater class, somehow her clan and family were wiped out."

"Couldn't she of join another greater clan?"

"It's very rare that they interact with each other. Same as class-wise, it's rare they cross paths."

She seems a little better. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Yes, if she gets too excited or angry she changes to a dragon. It's best to remind her to calm down."

"Right," go to get her a drink.

She grabs my hand, "one more thing." She bites her lip.

"What is it?"

"Umm, don't give her anything too alcoholic."

"Okay, ways that?"

She sits up and leans on the bedhead. "Well... She's not exactly of age..."

"She's 18, isn't she?"

"As a human yes, as a dragon no... She's actually 8..."

"She's a child! But she looks 18! Why doesn't she look like a child?!"

"As a dragon, she does, cute little dragon. Cause dragons can live for many years, they age a lot slower. As she's a human she appears 18. Their years are longer than ours."

"Then why give her alcohol if she's a minor?"

"She drinks next to nothing. The amount wouldn't even get you near tipsy. I tell the bartenders to swap the alcohol for lemonade. So when she drinks it she gets a placebo effect."

"I'll make her all drinks in that case."

"Thank you, Sanji." She pulls herself to me and kisses me. This time half on the cheek and half on my lips. "I feel a lot better now," she falls into my chest.

"I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Hey Sanji, if you're going back up. Could you grab my socks that are behind my pillow, please?"

"Uhh, sure I can do that."

She lays back down, "thanks again Sanji."

"My pleasure, I won't be to long." Leave the room, and close the door quietly.


I knock on the door quietly and open it a bit. "(Y/N) it's me."

"Sanji?" She's half-asleep already.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, it's your room." Walk-in she sits up.

"I got you a drink, Chloe got you your socks."

"You still won't go into my room," she smiles weakly. I hand her, her socks, "thank you."

"Made you a drink, it should help you to relax a bit more."

"I should really listen to you," she leans on my shoulder.

Her hand rests next to mine. Should I? No, I can't. Maybe... I lock my picky with hers, she doesn't say anything. Place my hand on hers, and intertwined our fingers. Her hand locks into place.

"My Sanji..." She cuddles into my arm.

'My Sanji... MY SANJI!'

"My precious angel (Y/N)." I cover my mouth, fuck...

She giggles, "my gentleman..."

Hear soft snores, as much as I want to stay and hold her. I can't, have to get ready for dinner. I lay her back down and pull the blankets over her. She instantly snuggles into a pillow. She looks so peaceful and beautiful. So pure like an angel. I leave room to make my way back to the kitchen. Hopefully, those idiots keep it down.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now