New Gadget 🔉

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"SANJI!" We just had lunch, how can he be hungry... It's Luffy he's always hungry.

"Sanji come here!" Now Usopp...

Better go see what they want before they come in. As I walk, (Y/N) was leaning on the rail. She turns towards me and smiles.

"Hey, Sanji ~" Her voice sounds so sweet.

"Hey (Y/N), what are those idiots doing now?"

"I think Usopp showing off one of his gadgets or something."

"Oh, he's not going to show you?"

She looks at me puzzled, "I've seen most of his gadgets already. We spent a week brainstorming and inventing."

"That's right, I forgot sorry." How could I forget? He was practically hanging off her from the time she got up, till she went to bed.


"You better hurry Luffy getting inpatient, haha."

"I'm going."

"Make sure you pay attention, you'll probably get a quiz about it, haha." She's beautiful when she smiles. I make my way over to them.

"Worked up the guts to ask her out yet gutless cook?"

"Shut your mouth stupid muscle head!"

"I guess if you're not going to ask out. I will, at least then she'll have a real man. And not some gut-less crowd."


"Sanji! Zoro! Stop fighting! Check Usopp's new gadget! Luffy they're not listening!" Chopper yells.

"What was that for?!" Moron and I shouted at Luffy. Luffy slammed our heads together.

"Shishishi, Usopp got a new gadget!"

"I don't ca-" I'm cut off hearing Nami's voice.

"Hello, (Y/N) you there?"


"You enjoying the view ~"

"I'm not eavesdropping on the ladies." As I go to walk away the bastard grabs me. "Let go of me!"

"Shut up and listen."

"Most certainly,"

"I don't get it, you two like each other. Why don't you go out?"

"Has Sanji told you he likes me?"

"No, but it's obvious he does. The way he leans back into you. We can all see it, just get together already."

"Sanji just lets me do whatever. We're just close friends, that's what close friends do."

I look up and see (Y/N) turn around.

"Even a blind man can see it (Y/N)! He likes you!"

"You know Sanji never complimented me till we saw each other again. He would flirt with every girl he saw, but me... I thought it might have been because of Grandpa. Even now... I'm not upset or angry with you girls. I know he treats me differently. He does his thing with you all and not me. We just have a different relationship than others..."

I didn't think I treated her differently...

"Maybe he doesn't know how to tell you how he... Feels... About... You...?"

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now