Out At Sea 🌊

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Over the next week, you and Chloe moved your stuff to the Sunny. Some of the townspeople threw you a going-away party. The street was closed. And there were tables of food and drinks. And even a dancefloor. It was another great night, there were plenty of laughs and fun times.

Today you were departing. There were tears, from the five of you. You were all like sisters.

"We're going to miss you!" Zara and Itzel cried.

"I need my Big Booty Bish!"

"I'll miss you girls so much!" Chloe hugged them all again.

"We have to get going, Chloe. Lube chas and mess chas!" You hugged them one last time.

"Lube chas, mess chas!" They cried out, as you board the Sunny.

"I'm going to miss them so much!" Chloe threw herself into you crying.

You stroked her hair and held her. "I know I'll miss them too. Just think of all the adventures we'll go on. And we'll make more friends."

She sniffled and looked up at you. "You're right, we'll have so much fun." The smile returns to her face.

"That's the spirit!" You smile back at her.

She ran to the rail and waved goodbye. You came up beside her and waved. The Sunny depart and was off at sea. Luffy came up ask Chloe to play tag, and she gladly accepted. It was her favourite game to play, cause she never was in. That counted as a win to her.

You walked up to the deck of the kitchen and watched Chloe play. You started to feel unsettled. Chloe hadn't been in close quarters with people for the past year and a half. With only ten people to socialize with, on a daily bases. Chloe was very much a social 'person'. And had a whole island to run around and explore. Now confined to a ship... Your thoughts were interrupted, Sanji calling out to you.

"(Y/N) are you okay?"

You turn and smiled at him. "I'm good, just thinking that's all."

Sanji stood beside you. He already knew that something was worrying you. 'Just thinking' meant you were worried and possibly start stressing out very shortly. He hated seeing you stress out. You would get migraines, and make yourself sick. To the point, you couldn't keep food down. He always tried to put a stop to it, before it got that far. Sometimes he did, sometimes he didn't.

"You know you can talk to me if something worrying you." Sanji hopes you would talk to him.

You wanted to tell Sanji about Chloe. You didn't want people to find out what she was. You knew he could keep a secret, but if a 'pretty lady' had asked him about Chloe. You were afraid he would spill his guts and more. You decide not to tell him.

"I know, thank you Sanji. I'm good, I didn't think I would be out at sea so soon." You smile at him.

In your smile, he knew you were worried. He wasn't going to push, at least not yet. "How about I make you some (F/S)?"

Your eyes instantly lit up, with no worries in sight. "Really? You'll make me some (F/S)!"

He chuckled, "of course, I will."

You jump and hugged him, causing the cook to blush madly. "Thank you, Sanji! Thank you! I can't tell how much I've missed your (F/S)!" You start crying tears of joy.

You let him go, "d-do you want to come in?"

You giggled at his stutter, "yes, please!"

He held the door open for you, you race in and sat on the barstool. He walked in after you and made a start on the (F/S).

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now