Put Bottle Where Your Mouth Is 🍺

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"Where's (Y/N)?" I thought we were going to look through her book.

"Where is (Y/N)?" Chloe looks around.

"Oh no..." Gamora shakes her head.

"What is it?" Robin asks.

"The other day I caught (Y/N) and Rock talking about making bombs."

"BOMBS!!" Nami yells, "why are they making bombs?"

"They'll be fine. They know what they're doing."

"You can't keep letting her get away with it, Quill."

"She's with Rocket. He knows what he's doing." She glares at him, "ha most of the time."

"I Am Groot."

"See Groot got my back!"

I'm going to go see her, she's in her room.

"Hahahahaha, we did it!"

"We made the ultimate bombs!! Hahahahaha!" (Y/N) jumps on the rail, she holding... Bombs...

"Oh no... I told you to make bombs after the storm!"

"They shouldn't be making bombs in the first place!!" Nami

"Hahaha, we made them!" Rocket holds one in the air.

"They're perfect! Look at them! Hahaha," she puts her arm up.

"(Y/N)..." She's not going to throw, is she?

"Sis, let's not throw the dangerous bombs!"

"(Y/N)!! Don't -"

They throw the bombs! They hit the floor, there's coloured powder...?

"Yip yip! Party time!! Yip yip!! Chloe starts jumping around.

"Finally we can drink and fight!!" Drax

"Woo!! Party!!" Luffy grabs Chloe's hands start dancing.

"I'm going to my room," Niji walks off. Good, go!

(Y/N) jumps down in front of him. "Nope ~ Everyone getting involved ~ That includes you three stiffs ~"

"Excuse me?" Ichji glares at her. If he touches her.

"Yes, you ~ I have some very nice, tasty, blue alcohol ~ Zoro I know you're interested ~"

"I'll try some space alcohol."

"That's my brother!"

"Hey! I'm your brother!"

"Zoro my brother too. We're blood, so that means you're stuck with me ~"

"You're stuck with me to."

"Don't remind me..." She playfully rolls her eyes smiles.


"Anyway, drinks are on me ~" She takes her out vile, points it at the table. Bottles of blue drink?

"How?" Yonji looks at her.

"Where did you get that from?" Ichiji

"None of your business," she takes her boots off. There's a layer of frost over the table and bottles. "Drinks are nice and cold ~"

"Ahh, I remember the first time we shared a drink." Drax

"The first time we drank together, resulted in the three of you getting into a fight." Gamora takes a drink.

"Also Quill using his pelvic sorcery to get you to kiss him." Gamora glares at her.

"Hey, we talk about this." Quill

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now