Abducted 😳

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So after dinner, I'll finally be telling Sanji what I've done. I'm a little nervous, I don't think he'll believe me. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

- Flashback -

"Now been a week since Sanji left, I miss him." I watch everyone from upstairs. They're all drinking and eating.

"Precious," walk down to Grandpa.

"Yes, Grandpa?"

He goes into his pocket. "I found this, while we were cleaning." He hands me Sanji's lighter, it's Sanji's favourite one. "You better hold on to it."

"Thanks, Grandpa." Kiss his head, make my way to the deck.

"Where are you going (Y/N)?" Patty asks as I walk past.

"Just going out on the deck for a bit. That's all," I try to smile.

"Don't stay out there too long. You'll catch a cold." Carne comments.

"I won't," walk through the doors. Sit down and look up at the stars.

There's a shooting star, "I wish... I wish I meant something to Sanji."

"Wait a minute, that star coming this way. And quick!" Get up, there's a light surrounding me. Try to run but I can't move.

"Gran-" The Baratie disappears, I'm in a new place... "Where am I?"

"You're on the Eclector." I hear a voice behind me.

Turn around and see a blue man, I think is a Devil Fruit User and a few others. They're scary looking.

"Who are you?" I ask he walks closer to me. I start to walk backwards.

"Who am I? Yondu Udonta, the leader of the Ravagers!" I back up to a wall, he's a metre away from me. "You see Girlie, my men here want to eat you. In more ways than one."

My eyes widen, eat me! I start running, anywhere, I hear them all laugh, then hear footsteps.

"They're going to eat! They're cannibals!"

I run as fast as I can, turn corners, upstairs and down. I can't lose them! I'm too scared to lock myself in a room. The one time I need to be protected Sanji or Grandpa aren't around. I have to fight, I have no weapons no nothing. Crash into something, more someone.

I fall back on my butt, look up see a brown-haired guy. I see a gun like thing on his waist. I get up and grab and aim it at him.

"Come any closer I'll shoot!"

"Hate to say it, that Elemental Blaster only works for me. If you could hand it over, that'll be nice."

"You want it back? Take me back home, then you can have it."

"Wait, who are you? What are you doing here?"

"(Y/N), I don't know. One second I'm on the Baratie, next I'm here. People and Devil Fruit Users are trying to eat me!" I held the gun was it blaster whatever it is on him

"Yondu..." He drags his hand down his face. He walks over to me.

"Get back! I'll... I'll do it!"

"I told you it only works for me. Hand me the blaster. No one going to eat."

"How can I trust you?" The footsteps get louder.

"Yondu said the same thing to me. When he abducted me as a kid. I'm not going to hurt, now pass it over." He reaches out for it, I go to hand it over.

"Haha, looks like the men will be dining on you tonight Girlie." Yondu laughs followed by his men.

"Yondu why did you abduct her for?"

I pulled the trigger, and a ball of fire comes out just missing Yondu. They all stop laughing and looked at me.

"How did you do that?" The guy asks.

"Take me home right now!" I have to get home! Get back to the Baratie! Sanji! I want to see Sanji! I found the courage to see Sanji, I walk towards them.

"Take me home right now! Or I'm going to flambé all of you!"

Some of the men start laughing, I aim it at them and pull. They jump back, and sniggle? Hear whistling?

"Ow!" The blaster knocks out of my hands.

"Watch it!" The guy picks it up.

There's a red arrow right in front of my face. Just floating there, Yondu whistles making it float towards me. I backup back to where I was.

"Where's your courage now Girlie?"

"Yondu back off she's just a girl."

"Shut it Boyo! She threatens us -"

I cut him off, "I threaten you? You took me from my home! Then you threaten me, said your men want to eat me in more ways than one! You threaten me first, I'm only defending myself!"

He starts grinning, "hahaha, you know Girlie I like you. You've got guts." The arrow returns to him.


"Girlie off the menu."

I'm so confused right now. "So you're taking me home?" I ask hopefully.

"No..." He says coldly and starts walking off. The rest follow him.

I feel tears running down my cheeks. I want to go home. I want to see Sanji! I want to see him achieve his dream!

"YOU BASTARD!" I run at him, jump into the air go to kick him. My foot makes contact with his head. He falls over, "TAKE ME HOME RIGHT NOW!"

There's a quick whistle, the arrow at my throat this time. I don't care! If I have to fight to get back. I'll fight!

He stands up, I notice he has another one. But it's not glowing red like the other one.

"That's the first and last time you'll have the upper hand Girlie." He whistles the arrow starts digging into my skin. Start to feel blood running down my neck.

"Yondu stop it! Just take her home!"

"There is no point returning a dead body. It'll be a waste of -"

Memories of Sanji flood my mind. I can't die! SANJI! "Phwwwwwhht"

A flash of (F/C) knocks the arrow from my throat. I cover my neck, with my hand.

"How did she do that?!" The guy stares at me.

A glimpse of red comes, I whistle again a flash of (F/C) stops it. I jump backwards, and the arrow follows me. Good at least I have some sort of weapon now. Even if I don't know how to use it properly. With that thought, it drops to the ground. Of course...


"What?" Someone gets a hold of my head, exposing my neck. "Fuck off!" I feel something sharp go into my neck. I'm sleepy... "Fuck youuuu..."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now