Cute Moment 😣 {5K Views} 😏

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Damn my head hurts, don't tell me I'm getting another migraine. I wonder if Sanji will let me sleep in his bed. It'll be the only time I can get in his bed... I make my way to the kitchen, I open the door.

He turns around and smiles, I smile back. "(Y/N) are you okay?" His smile drops.

"I've got a bit of a headache. Do you mind if I sleep in your bed? Use your room that is."

"N-No that's fine. I'll let everyone know to be quiet."

"No, it's okay. I should be fine, I'll take some painkiller and lay down for a bit."

"Okay, I'll come down check on you."

"Thank you, Sanji," I look back to the door. Doesn't seem like anyone is close.

"What are you -"

I grab his tie pull him close, kiss him. I let go, go grab my socks and head down to his room.

I open the door, fuck me smells just like him ~ I take my boots off, my feet start to freeze over. "If it wasn't for freezing to death. Being able to use ice would be cool." I put my socks on hop into bed.

I grab one of his pillows, hug it. "Closest I'll be to sleeping with him..." I close my eyes and go to sleep.


Huh? I hear the door open. Probably Sanji or Chopper, I'll go back to sleep.


That was the lock... They never lock the door... I'll check, sense it is Sanji. Why is he locking the door?

"I know you're awake."

I sit, "why did you lock the door?"

He comes over sits on the bed, "do you still have a headache?"

He drapes his hand on my forehead, then holds my cheek. "Y-Yes I do. Doesn't feel like the painkillers are working. Why did you lock the door?"

"So I can give you your painkillers ~"

"Wh-wh -"

He kisses me, lays me back down. He climbs on the bed towers over me.

"Sanji..." Oh gawd, are we?

"Don't look so scared, I would never hurt such a beautiful lady." He leans down to my ear, "especially not my precious angel." He nips my ear.

"Sanji ~"

"Let's take care of the headache ~" His hand goes under my sweater, "your skin soft and smooth. It's cold to the touch."

"That'll be the ice."

"I guess I have to warm you up then."

He sits back, takes his jacket off throws it on the floor.

"You're going to get creaks in it." He unbuttons his shirt, "oh okay then." Fuck I never knew he was this toned.

"Savouring are we?"

"Huh? Yes, you look... So damn hot..."

He pulls me up, "your turn." He pulls the sweater up and over my head and throws it away. He pulls his tie off. "Let's take care of those hands. Don't want them getting in the way."

"What?" In the way, he ties my hands together. He ties the other end to the bedhead. "Hehe, you know I've broken out of many handcuffs ~"

"I like to see you try ~" He looks me in the eyes, down to my breasts. "Girls are nice and perky." He cups my breasts starts massaging.

"Ahhh Sanji ~" I close my eyes, he's so good with his hands.

I feel something wet, he's using his tongue. I hear him chuckle, "look my angel enjoying herself."

Open my eyes a bit, "Sanji ~"

"What is it, my precious angel?"

"Can you -" Damn I'm aching, can please get to it!

"Can I what?" He smirks at me.

"Can you please help me with my headache? It hurts so much."

"You want your painkillers do you?"

"Yes, please ~"

"Let's take these off shall we?"

"Yes, please take them off! ~" Why do I have to have my hands tied up.

He slips my boots short and knickers off. He lays beside me, his hand travels down my body. Stop just above my clit. "Tell me how bad is your headache?"

"It's really bad, almost a migraine."

"That bad is it?"

"Yes ~"

"I guess I better get," he slips his fingers in. "A move on," he starts curling his fingers.

"AHHH SANJI ~" Fuck me, I've waited so long for this.

- Sanji -

"Sanji, where's (Y/N)?" Chloe came through the door.

"(Y/N) has a bit of a headache. So she's gone to my room to rest."

"Oh okay. Sanji?"

"What is it?"

"You like (Y/N) right?"

"She's my friend, of course, I do." She's only eight, she' wouldn't understand.

"No, do you like her as girlfriend? I know (Y/N) like you as a boyfriend. You should get together."


"That's Luffy! Bye Sanji!" She runs out.

"(Y/N) likes me as a boyfriend...?" I shake it off, "I have to go check on (Y/N)." I grab her a plate and drink head down to my room.

There's no way she likes me like that. She kisses me, is she kissing me like a couple or just teasing?

"Ahh, Sanji ~"

I stop in my tracks, no I'm hearing things.

"Sanji ~"

Is she? Is she playing with herself, thinking of me? "Oh fuck!" Nose bleed, calm down.

(Y/N) wouldn't do that. I open the door a bit, she's sleeping. She's dreaming about me! She's panting, her face is red.

"Sanji right there ~"

"Fuck..." Just drop the drink and plate and go.

I place the plate and glass down, she moans. Fuck she sounds so sweet. Maybe I could? No, she's sleeping. Kissing her on the forehead is enough. I have to prepare lunch for the others.

- (Y/N) -

"What?" I sit up, "Sanji?" I look around, his clothes aren't on the floor...


It's not fair... "I thought it was real! FUCK ME..."

- Sanji -

She didn't finish? I could... No, I can't. I quickly make my way upstairs.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now