A Parasite... 💛

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Sanji steps out of the ice rink. He holds his hand out for me. "Why thank you ~" As I step out, the skates disappear. I get my boots back out.

"You sure you're not cold?"

"Hehe, I'm sure. As I said I can't feel the cold."

"I remember..." He looks away.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"If it's nothing you can tell me," I look away. Even though we're together he still doesn't want to tell me.

"I know you wear my hoodie."

"You mean 'my' hoodie ~"

"Haha, sorry your hoodie."

"I would take your jacket. But you would get cold. Since I don't feel it, it wouldn't be right."

"It's not right letting you walk around cold. Even if you're not."

"You know even since this happen..."

"What is it?"

"No one really worries about me being cold. Which is good. You know others can stay warm."

"People should still worry about you."

"Hehe, it feels weird when others worry about me. When you have the whole galaxy to worry about. You don't think about others worrying about you."

"Just cause you're a guardian doesn't mean people shouldn't worry about you. I'm sure Quill and the others worry about you."

"Guardians will worry about each other. I mean who else will."

"I always worry about you."

"Thank you, Sanji ~" I wish I could hold his hand.

"(Y/N)! SANJI!" Chloe comes running over.

"What is it, Chloe?" She looks okay.

"Reiju said she's taking us out for dinner tonight ~"

We look at each other. "(Y/N) and I are fine cooking."

"She said you're having the night off."

"Do you know where we're going?"

"Nope ~ I'm going to go look for Luffy now ~"


"Found him ~ Bye ~" She runs to Luffy.

"I wonder why Reiju planned to have dinner out?"

"I don't know," he looks worried.

"You okay Sanji?"

"I'm fine."

"You know you can tell me if something bothering you."

"I know, I don't like to bother you."

"It'll be nice if you did."

We walk around town, not saying anything.

"I don't want my brothers coming out to dinner with us." He stops, and I look back at him.

"I get we're been coop up in the cabin for a while."

"I want them gone."

He really hates them. "Maybe it's a goodbye dinner. And Reiju doesn't want us cooking tonight."

"We could hope." I wish he would tell me what's wrong with them.

"Sanji ~ (Y/N) ~" Reiju comes over.

We walk over to her, "hey, Reiju Chloe told us we're going out for dinner?"

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now