Christmas Morning 🎄

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"Arrr!" I quickly shut my earpiece up. "Rocket been playing with my earpiece again... Bloody racoon... Shit! Sanji waking up soon!"

I quickly get dressed and run downstairs. Sanji is about to open the door.


"Huh? (Y/N) what are -"

I step in front of him. "You know the rule, you're not allowed in the kitchen on Christmas! It's your day off!"

"Haha, I'm not going to let you cook by yourself." I glare at him, "you're serious?"

"Yes, it's tradition! You're not allowed to cook on Christmas!"

"What are you shouting for?" Ichiji opens the door.

"Go back to sleep Itchy Finger!"

"Hmm..." He glares at me.

"I'm not letting you cook by yourself."

"I'll cook with (Y/N) ~"

"See Reiju knows what's what."

She walks over, "what are we cooking?"

"I'll tell you ~ Once Sanji goes..."

"But -"

"Tradition! We'll be doing a lot more traditions too." I pull Reiju in and close the door. "Make sure he doesn't come in." I take my boots off and freeze the door.

"Sanji never told me you were a Devil Fruit User."

Shit... "I'm not a Devil Fruit User."

"How are you able to do that?"

"It's a bit of a story." I start making breakfast.

"Does Sanji know?"

"Yes, he does. And the rest of the crew."

"Why can't I know? I thought I was your big sister?"

"It's a bit of a hard story to believe."

"You were in space. Your parents were abducted."

"Sanji told you?" I didn't think he told her.

"He did, I was asking about your parents."

"Okay, short story. Some of Yondu's men betrayed us. I went after one, there was an explosion. After I was lost in space for some time. After a while, I was in case in ice. I have to wear special boots and socks. So I'm not frozen solid."

"What did Sanji say?"

I put the knife down. "He wants to kill the man that did this."



"You're okay?"


"You are, aren't you?"

I can't tell her, I haven't even told Sanji.

"Have you told Sanji?"


"I see. As long as you're okay."

"Hmm..." I can't have babies. Everything else is okay...

"What do you need me to do?"

"Oh, I guess make a start on waffles?"

"I'm on it ~ This will be our Christmas together, it's nice."

I have Reiju's present. "Reiju do you mind if I give you your presents early?"

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now