Girlfriend... 😐

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"Land ahoy!"

I walk out of the dining hall and see land approaching.

"Aunty we're home!" I pick Max up and hold him close.

"I see, you can see Mum soon."

"Yes! I can tell her about our adventure!"

"Haha, yes you can. Don't forget the gift you got her too."

"Oh yes! I'm going to wrap it." I place him back down, he runs off.

"So this will be the last voyage for a while." Cap comes up to me.

"Yeah, I know. Claire pregnant you want to be there this time."

"Yeah... Sorry, you'll have to look for a new job."

"Haha, that's fine Cap don't worry. I'll find a job, no problem."

"I hope you do. And thanks for everything." He brings me into a hug.

"Anytime Cap," I hug him back.


We dock and everyone is greeted by loved ones. All except me, I make my way back to my place.

I open the door, "(Y/N) you're home!!"

Four of my girlfriends jump and hug me. "Haha, hey girls. Did you miss me? Or did you miss my cooking?"

They stood back, except Chloe who was still hugging me by the waist.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming home early?" Jordy asks.

"I rang a week ago saying I'll be home today. I told Itzel." They all turn to her.

"Why didn't you tell us, Itzel?" Zara asks hand on her hip.

"Umm a week ago? I faintly remember someone calling..."

"Pretty sure you were having sex... You moan halfway through." I remember the call.


"Hey Itzel, so we're making good time. Looks like I'll be home next Wednesday."

"Ahhh hmmm..."

"Itzel, are you having sex with Josh?"

"Yes! Ahhh yes! Right there!"

"Fuck me Itzel... I'll see you girls in a week... Bye..."

"Ahhh yes!"

I shake off the memory, yes I've heard them all have sex. And seen them too... Still something I don't want to remember...

"Oh yeah, I remember now. Ha ha, I forgot..." She rubs the back of her neck.

"More like he fuck it out of you!" Jordy says.

"Anyway, we're sorry we didn't come and see you at the dock." Zara lowers her head.

"Yeah sorry about that." Itzel looks away.

"Hey it's fine, I'm home now. I had the best welcome home." I smile at them and hug Chloe.

"So since you're home... You want to go out tonight?" Zara smiles.

"Fuck yeah! Let me wash up and we'll go out shopping!"

The girls cheer with excitement. Chloe let's go, I go up to my room. I have a quick shower, put on grey virgin killer sweat, a pair of black booty shorts and my boots. I put half my hair up in a bun and put my arrow in to hold it in place.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now