Brother Zoro 🐯

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Since I told everyone what happen... Both Chloe and Sanji have changed. Chloe now sleeps in my bed. She clings to me more now than before. To the point that she showers with me. Not like we haven't before.

Sanji on the other hand... He's infuriated, more than when he's fighting Zoro. Only happens when I'm around. I decided it was best to not spend too much time with him. I get up and help make breakfast and dinner. Before lunch, I'm with Zoro training and doing a bit of weight. Or with Usopp on Fei working on new gadgets. Sometimes Franky joins, and I show them how Fei works and how to repair her.

But yeah... I miss spending time with Sanji. Cooking with him going over new recipes. But I don't want to make him any angrier than he already is.

"Oi (Y/N), what's the matter?"

I look up to him, he genuinely looks concerned. Which isn't normal for Zoro. But lately, Zoro feels more like a brother than a friend. "I was just thinking about how much Chloe and Sanji have changed."

"I wonder why, after what you said a few days ago. Of course, they're going to worry about you."

"Worried? Chloe maybe, but Sanji. Every time he looks at me, he gets angry. Seriously I'm regretting telling everyone. But I didn't want everyone to get the wrong impression, after what Fei said." I play with the hand dumbbell.

Zoro comes over and takes it off of me. "Cook not angry at you. He's..." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Why does he look at me like..." I knit my fingers together. "It's like he's disgusted by me. Sanji my closet friend, Zoro. I did everything I could to get back here. Just so I could see him again. The times were I was dying, my thoughts were of him. Hope I saved Oda from being destroyed or half of the population being killed."


"What would happen if I told Sanji I was being ripped apart? And I was mere seconds away from death! Countless times our ship was shot down! Or we almost got squash from being in space!"

"Sanji isn't disgusted or angry at you. He can see your scars..."

Did Zoro just call Sanji by name? He never calls him by name... But how can Sanji see my scars? "How can he even see them? Or knows that I have them?" I can see them cause I know where they are.

"He's the Prev Cook, he can read a woman's three sizes. So he's going to see your scars. You have a few scars."

"I don't have that many..." I'm glad when we were getting ripped apart, I didn't get any.

"You're better off telling him what's happened."

"If I tell Sanji he's going to put me back into a glass dorm. He'll probably lock it with a key, and I'll never get out..." I sit back on the bench, and Zoro sits beside me.

"He only wants to protect you..."

"There's a difference between protecting and suffocating. And Sanji suffocates, kills me slowly." He looks at me a little puzzled.

With that, I explain everything to him. He sits back and looks like he just found the missing piece to the puzzle.

"Don't worry about the Love Cook. He'll get over it. Don't stop spending time with him."


He gets up and goes back to working out. "Go help the Love Cook. Or at least go talk to him."


"Go! Don't lie to him, or keep secrets."


"Get out!"

"Fine!" I stomp over to the hatch and climb down. "Bloody Zoro! Who does he think he is?"

I make my way to the kitchen, as I get closer I hear Nami talking.

"Sanji she's going to think that you hate her. If you keep acting like this."

"Maybe not all those scars are from Taser Face. They could have been from accidents." Robin there too?

"(Y/N) suffer by hands of him... A man! I can't sit back and let him get away with it."

I shouldn't eavesdrop on them, it'll be wrong of me. I'll wait till they're done. Walk down onto the grass, and see Jinbe resting against the tree.

He nods, and I sit beside him. "I thought you would be with Sanji."

"He's talking to Nami and Robin."

"I see," he closes his eyes.

I enjoy the stillness, it's so quiet and peaceful. Which is scary... Normally you can hear Luffy laughing, or the four playings, or something.

Amongst enjoying the peacefulness and worry I fall to sleep. Later on, I woke to something in my arms, and something on my back and in my lap. Open my eyes and see Chopper in my arms, Usopp resting against my back. And Luffy's head in my lap, while Chloe snuggled into him. Meanwhile, I'm resting on Jinbe's arm. But whatever... I close my eyes, there's no use in waking everyone up. I go back to sleep and wait till they wake up, or someone wakes us.



I wake to sudden movement, pressure off my legs, back, and in my arms.

"It seems to be lunchtime."

I rub my eyes, and stretch, "seems to be dear Jinbe."

He chuckles and holds his hand out. I take his hand and wobble a little, my legs are asleep.

"You okay?"

"I'm good, legs are asleep." I float in the air, Jinbe nods and walks up the stairs.

We join everyone in the dining hall. Luffy already digging in. There's no room at the table so I sit at the bench next to Sanji. Instead of looking at me infuriated, he looks away. What did Nami and Robin say to Sanji? Or did Zoro come in when I was sleeping and say something? I sigh and eat my lunch. Now I don't know if I should stay and wash up with him or leave.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now