Pervs 😉

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After lunch, Dom came in to see how everything was going. Told him what happens, Nash burnt himself and Sanji help out. Dom offered him money for the day's work. Sanji refused and said he was happy to help out. He gave me the money to give to him later. I told him I would be leaving, as Chloe and I join the Straw Hats. At first, he was upset, but then he started smiling.

"It's sad to see you go, you were our best chef. You have a life to live, I won't stand in your way."

I was glad he was understanding. He said he would throw us a going away party, later in the week. I don't think it'll be too hard to convince Luffy to say for a few more days.

Sanji walks me home after lunch, no surprise Itzel and Josh are at it.

"Get on your knees!"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Sanji is gobsmacked, "you wait here I'll be back in a second." I grab my keys out and Spacewalk to my room.

I put my stuff away, quickly freshen up and leave. Hopefully Sanji not to modified. Make my way back, see Sanji gone.

"Where did he go?" Look around and see him down the street... With some girl... I should have guessed...

It still hurts, watching him flirt with other girls. I'll be seeing it a lot more since I've joined the crew. I knew this would happen, I'll have to deal with it. I walk up the street a bit and see Jordy coming down. She sees me and waves, I wave back, walk up to her.

"Hey, Jordy, what ya doing?"

"Hey, nothing much. Might go home clean up a bit."

"Ha, you might want to wait. The lounge room being used."

"Really? Again? Can't they go to his place and have sex there."

"He has a roommate."

"And what are we? Chopped liver?"

"Haha, he doesn't want him to see Itzel naked?"

"So we have to see him naked?"

"We only see his ass anyway, so what's your problem? Haha."

"The problem is they should be in a room, not the lounge room!"

We talk for the next 20 minutes. Still, Sanji hasn't come over yet. He must be off with that girl...

"So since you and Chloe are leaving us. Why don't we all go out drinking tonight?"

I want to get plastered, one last time with the girls. Probably won't happen at the party, there will be children there too.

"Sounds good, I'll let Luffy and that know. Does that mean you're drinking saki? ~" Love it when she drinks saki, Jordy soo much more relaxed.

"Since it's the last time we get to do it, yes I will. Just for you though."

I hug her, "yes saki Jordy partying tonight!"

"Saki? Count me in," Zoro appears out of nowhere.

"Hey Zoro, we're going drinking tonight. I was about to go find the others let them know."

"Sounds good," he looks Jordy up and down.


"Hey," ohh they're going to fuck ~

"I'm going to go find, Zara and Chloe let them know. Hopefully, Itzel and Josh have finished."

"Highly unlikely, but good luck, haha."

"Thanks... Bye..."

"Bye Jordy."

"See ya," Zoro says slightly seductively. Jordy freezes, waves and runs off.

"Haha, so mean Zoro. So mean ~"


I laugh, "making poor Jordy freeze up like that."

"I can't help it if she attracted to me." He smirks.

"Haha, hotshot. Let's go tell the others what's happening tonight." He nods and we make our way down the street. I see Sanji already gone, of course, he's gone off with her...

"So Zoro where would everyone be?" I didn't get an answer. Turn to see he's going the wrong way. "Zoro you're going the wrong way!"

"I am not! You are!"

"Excuse me!" I march over to him and grab his hand. "We're going this way first!"

"I'm not the Eco Cook, you can't go pulling me around!"

"Eco Cook?" I stop and look at him confused. "You mean Sanji?"

"Who else would I be talking about?"

"I guess he is a bit of a perv..."

"Oh, so you agree he is."

I shake my head and start walking while pulling him along. "No one can be as big pervert as my brother. The bloody root rat."

"Pervy Cook would be coming in close."

"Tell me does he go rooting around with anything that looks like a girl and has a hole?"

"I see what you're doing. You're trying to get info on the Love Cook."

Yes, I am, I'm not admitting to that. "No, I was saying my brother is the biggest pervert in the galaxy. And fucks anything that looks like a woman and has a hole." Then memories of him and Lucy come to mind. A gross shiver comes over my body.

"Thinking about the Dirty Water Imp 'rooting' other women?"

Oh, so he has done other women... "No, one of my brother's ex-girlfriends comes to mind. Blah, it's disgusting."

"Surely it's not that bad."

"Imagine doing an octopus girl, and tentacles going places they shouldn't... Meanwhile, his lily-white ass is in the air..."

He grossed out, "I could have lived without that image..."

"I could of too... Make sure you drink enough tonight and you'll forget about it."

"Is that what you tell yourself?"

"Every time I drink I do."

He starts laughing, I pull him along. We find everyone, they were all excited. Drag Zoro back to the ship, go back home to get ready. Still, I didn't find Sanji... I guess he's having sex with that girl... Guess I'll drink till I drop tonight...

- Sanji ~ -

THAT BLOODY SHITTY SWORDSMAN! What does he think he's doing hanging around (Y/N)! I should kick him into the ground.

She was holding his hand, laughing and smiling... Telling everyone about tonight, she seemed so excited too... Guess I'll make my way back to the Sunny and get ready...

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now