Cooking 🍳

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I can't believe I'm going to be living with Sanji again! This is the best day ever!

"YIP YIP!" - "Shishishi."

"Hehe, sounds like they're having fun."

"It does, doesn't it." He gives me a little smile.

I haven't shown him my tattoo yet! "Sanji! I got my tattoo, did you want to see it?"

"I saw it through your jacket, while I was chasing you."

"Oh... Okay..." Thought he would be a bit more excited...

"I would like to it, without it." He walks around and takes my jacket off for me.

"Just throw it on the end of the bed." He places it on the bed, I move my hair out of the way. "So what do you think? Do you like it?" I stand there nervously. I've been waiting three years to show him.

"It's exactly how you pictured it. You look..." I feel his fingertips on my back. He's touching me... I want to lean back into it. "Beautiful..."

He said you look beautiful. Wait a minute, he said you, he said I look beautiful! My face instantly heats up. That's the first time he's called me beautiful...

"I-I look beautiful t-to you?"

"Uhh..." I turn around to see his face go completely red.

"(Y/N) Luffy wants to try some of your special fries!" Chloe busts through the door.

"Okay, I'll make some in a minute."

"Thank you ~" She runs back off.

"Did you want anything to eat while I'm cooking?"

"No, I'm fine thank you."

I give a little smile and leave the room. I must have missed heard him. He probably said 'it's' beautiful not me... Why would he say I'm beautiful...

I get everything out and start peeling the potatoes. "Why would he think I'm beautiful... He never compliments me. I guess he did with my tattoo..."

"What's special fries?" I hear Sanji come into the kitchen.

"Oh, it's just poutine. I made it for her once when she had a hangover. Ever since then she always asks me to make it."

"Do you mind if I help?"

"Huh? Oh no, it's okay, I've got it."

"Please," he places his hand over mine.

I put down the peeler, feel my face start to heat up. "I guess you can cut the potatoes. She likes extra extra cheese curd and extra extra thick gravy."

"Just like Luffy likes extra meat with his meat," he laughs.

"You have your entrèe meat, main meat, then you have your side meat. You didn't know that? Haha," I stop laughing, he looks dumbstruck. "What?"

"Are you serious?"

"Umm yeah? I had someone that would only eat a certain type of food. I had to prepare it differently each time. It could be simply cutting it different or using different seasoning. Chloe gets like that sometimes. Sometimes I'll make wedges, crinkle chips. Or use a different type of cheese or gravy."

"I never thought about it like that. So are these okay?"

"They're fine don't worry, haha. She will taste the difference though."

"She will?"

"Yep, she won't mind. Now we're a part of the crew, she'll have to start eating your food." I start making the cheese curd.

"You know Luffy wants two cooks. So means you can cook too."

What? "Y-You're going to let me in your kitchen?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" Looks at me confused.

"Well... I thought... You know Grandpa wouldn't let me in his. So I thought you wouldn't let me in..." I look back at the curd.

I hear the oven door close. "You let me in yours." He gently turns my face to face him.

I look into his eyes. "You taught me how to cook. It'll be wrong if I didn't let you in. Plus..." I look the other way.


"I want to know if I've improved..."

"You've improved immensely. Everyone loved their breakfast this morning. I like the variations you did."

He liked my variations! I can't help but smile, I turn my attention to the curd. "I'm glad everyone loved it."

"(Y/N), I'm happy that you kept cooking. Trying new ways, of cooking. I would love to try more of your cooking."

Oh, my stars Sanji wants to try more of my cooking. He said, love!! And he's happy with me! He's complimenting me too! This went from the best to the greatest. It was already great, I got to steal a kiss. It's a fantastic day!

"Well I got a whole bunch of seasonings I bet you've never seen."

"You've travelled a lot."

I nod, "part of the long story. Now I'm joining the crew, I'll have plenty of time to tell you. Now it's whether you believe or not is the next thing."

"I'm sure I'll believe you." Smiles at me, it melts my heart.

"Haha, I hope so." I see he goes to lit a smoke. "You might want to open the back door. Jordy doesn't like the smell in the house."

"Oh sorry," he goes to put it away.

"It's okay you can smoke, just need the door open." I get my smokes out of my pocket dimensional storage vile. That's hidden between my boobs, hehe.

Place it between my lips, I go to get my lighter

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Place it between my lips, I go to get my lighter. Sanji holds his lighter out for me.

"Thank you ~"

"My pleasure."

I look at his new lighter. Huh, it's sleeping, mermaid one.

"I kinda lost the one you gave me." He looks away embarrassed.

I reach in the vile and grab it. "Don't worry Grandpa found it and gave it to me. Fortunately, I had it the night I was abducted. It helped me get through a lot," I go to hand it back to him. "Unfortunately, it still doesn't work."

"That's okay, you can keep it."

"Don't be silly, I brought it for you. I'm returning it to you."

He takes it back, "thanks for holding on to it for me."

"Anytime," smile at him.

While we're waiting for the curd to cook. We talk about the dishes we've made. I haven't told him about the 'new ones'. Maybe one day I will. Once the poutine is done, I call Chloe and Luffy down. Luffy loves it, asked for more meat. We cook, for them. The two mix their fries and meat together. Chloe likes the chips soaked in meat juices. And Luffy likes the cheese curd on the side of his meat, haha.

It was nice cooking with Sanji again. I've missed it so much. I'm glad I get to live with Sanji. At least I know now if I were to die. Chloe will be safe and be with Luffy. And I got to see Sanji and steal a kiss before I died. My life is complete, haha.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now