Sanji! 😃

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Sanji couldn't sleep properly. Instead of lying there doing nothing, he got up to get dressed. He went for a walk to try and clear his head. He found you walking to work. He could only see the back of you, he knew it was you. Notice your jacket was see-through, he could see your tattoo. The tattoo artist you had picked, got what you picture to a T.

"(Y/N)... It's really her..."

You stop, causing Sanji to freeze. As you were about to turn around, he Skywalk into the sky.

"How did she know I was here?" Sanji asked himself. "Wait does she have observation haki?" Sanji decided to follow you from the sky. He wasn't ready to talk to you yet.

He watches you walk into the restaurant. He went around to the back of the restaurant, assuming where the kitchen was. He would quickly go down to see you preparing food. Soon as you turn to look around, he would go back up.

"She must have, to notice a difference in presence so quickly."

It was getting close to everyone waking up he headed back to the Sunny.


Now with the Straw Hats awake and ready. They made their way to the restaurant. Sanji was nervous as hell. Zoro enjoyed seeing him a nervous wreck.


Meanwhile, you were just finishing the last of the breakfasts. "And done, all before 8am too."

All the breakfasts were done and with complimentary drinks too. Chore 'kids' took out the dishes, ready for the Strawhats.


"Yahoo! Meat!" Luffy was marching to the restaurant.

"Sanji you excited to see (Y/N)?" Nami asks as she turns around. Saw Sanji sweating beads. "You okay Sanji? You're sweating."

Robin turns to look, "do you feel sick?"

Chopper heard came rushing over. "Sanji how are you feeling?"

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry," Sanji tried to wave it off.

"It's okay to be nervous. I'm sure she'll be just as nervous." Robin tried to calm his nerves.

Zoro comes up and slaps his shoulder. "Eco cook never nervous." He smirks at him, Sanji glares back. Zoro pushes him, gets him walking again.


They make it to the restaurant, everyone walks inside. Zoro pushes Sanji in, not without him grumbling and going off at him.

"Welcome back boys, I see you've brought friends. Jinbe couldn't get enough of (Y/N)'s cooking?" Dom comes out of the kitchen.

"She's quite the cook."

They take their seats, Luffy digs in. Sanji was in awe, looking at the food. He could see you had improved a lot in the past three years. The smell... It smelled inviting. Everyone started eating, love the food you made. Just as Sanji was about to take a bit, there was a crash in the kitchen.

"(Y/N)?!" A woman called out.

"Dom! There something wrong with (Y/N)!" A man came out of the kitchen.


"Sounds like the people arrived," Nayr says as she made pancakes.

"I hope they enjoy their food." You were making a mixture of muffins.

It had been a while since the presence showed themselves. You decided to check again, this time it was stronger and wasn't moving. With that, it hit you hard. The familiar presence was Sanji. Your knees went weak, you fell to the floor. Bring the muffin trays, and bowel with the mixture over the floor. Tears started to well in your eyes, from the sheer happiness of seeing him again.

"(Y/N)?!" Nayr bends down to you. Looked you over to make sure you were okay.

Joshua runs over sees you on the floor and runs out the door. "Dom! There something wrong with (Y/N)!"

"He's here."

"(Y/N) talk to me!"

You grab onto the bench and pulled yourself up.

"Wait a minute, slow down."

"Sanji here, I have to see him."

You shakily run out of the kitchen. As you come out Sanji was standing up. Your eyes locked on to each other.

"Sanji!" You run, dive into him. Wrapping your arms around him. You buried your head into his chest. Take in his cologne, that rich nicotine smell you've missed so much.

Nami and Robin awe at how cute your little reunion was. Sanji was in shock, he didn't expect this reaction from you. You pulled your head out of his chest and pouted at him.

"Sanji! We haven't seen each other in three years! You're not going to hug me!"

"You would think he would miss you. I guess not," Zoro teased.

You knew what he was doing and ran with it. "You didn't miss me?" Your bottom lip quivered.

Causing Sanji to hug you back. "Bastard!" He growled at Zoro. He smirked back at him.

Once you were satisfied with the hug, you pulled back. Smiled brightly at him, "how have you been? Oh... Hi everyone, I'm (Y/N)." Your eyes land on Jinbe, "hey Jinbe."

He waved hello, you look back at Sanji. "Sit, don't let your breakfast get cold."

"Right, thank you."

"Hehe, my pleasure. Wish I knew it was you guys I was cooking for."

"Sorry to interrupt your little reunion. (Y/N) you've still got muffins to make. And a mess to clean up." Dom comes over.

"Yep, I'll get on to that. If you guys need anything, let me know."

"More meat!" Luffy shouted.

"Coming up!" You ran back to the kitchen.

"Bloody woman! Makes a mess and I'm the one to clean it up." Joshua went off.

"Excuse you! I clean up your mess all the time. You've only had to clean mine once! So shut your gawd damn mouth!"

The two of you bricked. Sanji was taken back, causing Dom to laugh.

"Don't worry about them, Joshua a tormenter. Keeps the kitchen lively those pair."



Cause Sanji to laugh if you had managed to get into the kitchen. And there was cookie dough, you would take a handful to eat.

He started to relax a little, seeing your smile again. Started eating, before Luffy could get his hands on it.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now