Without You 💕

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Everyone leaves it's just Sanji and me. I said I would help with the dishes. He didn't say anything he just nodded. He starts washing up, and I dry them as he hands them to me. He avoids all eye contact with me and conversation.

I'm probably just annoying him. I'll leave, but Zoro said to not stop spending time with him. I'll ask him, "Sanji do you want me to leave?"

He stops and turns, "why would I want you to leave?" His stare intensifies.

"Well... I... I thought you might want to be alone... It seems..." I fiddle with the plate in my hands. "You don't want to... Talk to... Me?"

He lowers his head, and sighs. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way. But it's not that I don't want to talk to you. It's..."

"You don't know how to talk to me. Knowing what happens to me." He stays quiet, "if I told you that was the second time I almost died. Would you stop talking to me?" He looks at me wide-eyed. "That town we save was actually a planet. Ronan was one of Thano's soldiers. But he betrayed him. He was attacking Xandar, but he already held a grudge against them. He had a stone, that was able to kill everyone. That was in his battle hammer. We manage to get the stone free, but Ronan, Quill and I went to grab it."

He didn't say anything, his eyes still widened. And the smoke in his mouth had dropped out.

"Quill got it, the thing is. If you hold it, the power of the stone starts to violently rip you apart. Destroying you and everything around. I held on to Quill's arm, the power started to rip through me."

"Killing you..."

"Yep, Gamora held Quill's hand, Drax held my shoulder and Rocket held Drax's finger."

"What about Groot?"

"He kinda died already. Quill was able to direct the power to Ronan and killed him. Manage to store the stone safely away."

"But if it was supposed to kill you. How did you survive?"

"I don't know, but we survive." Place the plate down and step closer to him. Place my hands on his chest. "I know I couldn't live with myself. If Ronan lived and made his way here... I wouldn't be able to live in this galaxy without you." I grip his shirt.

- Third -

You look up at Sanji, eyes glassed over. Sanji held your face, fingers knitted in your hair. Smashed his lips onto yours. You were taken back by his sudden action. You honestly thought you were still asleep.

His hands moved from your face to your back holding you closer. As much as he wanted to know what's happening in your life. He didn't want to hear that he could have lost you for good. And never know what happens. You were his angel.

Yous pulled apart for much-needed air. You look into his grey-blue eyes. They held various emotions. Concern, and sorrow, but there was affection and devotion.

He realises what he did, "(Y/N) I... I -..."

"If you say you're sorry, I'm going to cry." Your eyes said to tear up.

"I wasn't going to..."

You pull him down and kiss his nicotine lips. "Then what were you going to say?" You smirked up at him.

"I was going to say. I've waited too long to kiss those angelic lips." He took your lips once again.

Your cheek instantly turned red, and Sanji chuckles. You bury your face into his chest. Took in the nicotine scent. Sanji held you close, and took in your warmth.

You pulled back, and look up at him. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"I've never heard you say angelic before?"

"That's because you are my angel."

You dive back into his chest, causing him to chuckle.

- Flash Back -
- Sanji -

"It's okay Sanji, you'll get better soon. I'll be here when you wake up, it won't be so scary."

I remember hearing an angelic voice. And a warmth wrapped around my hand.

I remember hearing the old man talking to people. The angelic voice would talk to me every day.

On one occasion, seems she was hovering over me. Younger boys laughing, reminded me of my brothers... She sounded distressed, I remember her saying.

"You're wrong! He will wake up! He will wake up! Sanji strong!"

I never did find out, what happened that day. Or even if it did happen... The day I meant her.

"Grandpa, Sanji squeezed my hand."

Old man chuckles, "it's about time."

"Wh-what...?" I open my eyes and saw the angel that was watching over me.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N). How are you feeling Sanji? ~" Her smile was bright and welcoming.


"You still feeling sick?" She leans over and felt my forehead. It was the first time my cheeks heated up. "Doesn't feel like you have a fever. Grandpa, I thought hospitals were supposed to make you better."

"They are Precious Girl."

"Then why are Sanji's cheeks turning red?"


The old man tried to get out of bed. Her Grandmother laid him back down. The doctor came in to check me over.

After that, she came in every day. (Y/N) would climb onto my bed. Sit with me till her Mother came to pick her up.

- End of Flash Back -

"I never want to lose you (Y/N). You are my angel. The angel that watched over me when I needed it the most. All this time, I've never wanted you to get hurt. Now we're back together, I'll do everything I can to protect you."


I kiss those luscious lips once again. She kissed back with passion.

"My Angel."

"My Gentleman."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now