Sister and Brother 🧍🏼‍♂️🧍🏼‍♀️

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"Knock knock ~"

Reiju? I open the door, "Reiju do you need something?"

"I just wanted to come see my little brother ~" She walks in, "you can shut the door." She sits on the bed. I close the door, "I saw the cutest thing." She pats the spot next to her.

"What did you see?" I sit beside her.

"(Y/N) and Peter together ~ Having a brotherly, sisterly moment ~"

I lit my smoke, "even though she chased him around with a sword. She does love Quill."

"I can't help but feel a bit jealous."

I look at her, "whys that?"

"I want a kind little sister that'll love me. I want a sister moment. You should really ask her out."

I choke on my smoke. "What?!

"It's obvious that she loves you. You'll make a cute couple. I want a little sister ~"

We are together, I think we're together. We're something, more than just childhood friends.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is okay."

"You know Mum would like her."

"She would, (Y/N) would like her."

"Don't you think you should ask her out? I see the way you look at her. Just talking about her, you're smiling."

I take my smoke, "(Y/N) has been a big part of my life."

"And will stay a big part of your life? ~"

"She is a part of the crew..."

"Maybe she can be more? I can have a cute little sister in-law ~"

"(Y/N) is cute..."

"What was that little brother? ~"

I clear my throat. "Reiju did you want something?"

"Yes, a sister in-law ~ Also we'll be here for Christmas ~"


"It'll be our first Christmas together. I'm looking forward to it. Goodnight Sanji ~"

"Goodnight Reiju..."

She walks out, closes the door. Rest my head in my hands. Now my brothers are here for Christmas... I was hoping to have a nice Christmas with (Y/N). Just like when we were kids.

"Reiju likes (Y/N). She was right I did find a kind person. My angel (Y/N)."

- Time Skip Morning -

I walk downstairs, find (Y/N) and Quill sleeping on the lounge.

"They were asleep when I came down last night. I imagine what it would be like. Having a little sister, being close."

I can't imagine being close with my brothers... I don't want to...

"How about we leave (Y/N) to sleep. I'll help you with breakfast ~ We can spend some time together."

"It's okay, I'll make breakfast."

"I'll help make breakfast," I see her eyebrow twitch.

"Okay, do you know how to make pancakes?"

"Yes, I do."

We head off to the kitchen, start breakfast.


"Yes, I remember! Quill shut up! I know how to cook!"

"Sounds like (Y/N) awake ~"

I look towards the door. It opens, "sorry I slept in. Good morning Reiju."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now