Christmas Dinner 🍻

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Everyone was enjoying their presents. You and Rocket were hiding in a corner fiddling with your memory camera.

"(Y/N), Rocket?" You could hear Gamora calling out to you.

"Gamora coming..."

"I'm almost done!"

"What are you two doing?"

You quickly stand up and turn around. "Us? We're not doing anything."

"Uh-huh..." She tries to look behind you.

"We're not building a bomb if that's what you're worried about."

"What is it then?"

Rocket quickly stashes it in his vial. And climbs up onto your shoulder. "Nothing!" He jumps off you and runs over to Groot.

"I Am Groot?"


"I Am Groot."

"We weren't making bombs!"

"What were you doing?" Garmora crosses her arms.

"It was totally safe. Rocket was helping me with something."


"I swear on Guardians oath."

"We don't have an oath."

"We should make one. Since you're good with that type of stuff. You should make that oath." You sidestep her and head towards everyone.

Sanji comes over, "(Y/N) you ready to make dinner?"

"It's time already?" You check the time, "oh crap sorry Sanji."

"It's okay."

"Let's go make a start then." You head off to the kitchen.

Sanji follows behind you, looking at your tattoo. 'Tattoo suits her perfectly. The colours, the way it...' Sanji notices a scar on (F/C) fish. 'Is that a scar?' "Ugh..." He walks into you.

"Hehe, to busy staring at something ~" You turn around, and smile at him.

"I'm sorry, I should of watch where I was walking."

"It's okay, hehe." You look at the door and see no one was coming.

You look back at him, "are you okay?"

"I'm okay ~"

"That's good, what were you and Rocket doing?"

"Nothing, Rocket was helping me with something that's all."

"What do you need help with?"

"It's nothing much." You pull him in and kiss him.

He wraps his arms around you. Pulls you in close.

"Let's get dinner started. You can try out your new knives ~" You start making dinner.

Sanji takes one of the knives. "It's light," he looks it over.

"Yep ~ It's a different type of metal. It'll never dull ~ Try it out ~ Just be careful, it cuts very smoothly."

He washes the knife off, "what do you mean smoothly?"

"You'll see, I suggest cutting slowly, to begin with."

"Okay...?" He slowly cuts the meat, the knife glides through it. "You're right."

"Of course I am ~ So do you like it?"

Sanji keeps cutting, "it glides straight through."

You watch Sanji, with a smile on your face. "Sanji?"

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