Usopp 🔫

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"Usopp! I found the power core!"

"Awesome! Bring it up!"

"Hehe, coming!" You jump up to Usopp and sit next to him.

"Where did you say you got this from?"

"Oh, I stole it ~"

He looks at you sternly, then smiles. "Losers weepers!"

You both laughed and started working on your new project. Over the past few months, you and Usopp also grew pretty close. He was awkward at first. But once he found out, you tinked with things. He would not shut up about all his gadgets and things he made. You would show him the gadgets you made and some you and Rocket made. Most were very high tech. He loved examining them and asking questions. You felt happy to have someone to talk to about new gadgets. Had been a year and a half since you and Rocket did anything.

Meanwhile... Sanji was in the kitchen preparing lunch. He could hear you both laughing and talking. Not only was he jealous of Zoro being close to you, but now he was jealous of Usopp. Who was next Jinbe?

Lunch was done and everyone came in. Except for you pair. You were to focus on your project to listen.

"Don't stick that there!" You went off at him.

"But it fits, see!"

"You stick that there, you're going to explode!"

"It's okay, a little explodation never hurt anybody."

Everyone looks up at the ceiling, modified. Chloe spoke up, "why does this sound like something Itzel and Josh would say."

Sanji's smoke dropped out of his mouth, he climbed up the ladder. Found you both sitting on Usopp's little platform fiddling with something.

He walks over to you both and stands by you. "(Y/N) lunch is ready."

"Turn it to your left." You hold the gadget still.

"You sure?"



"One more turn..." Usopp concentrating hard. "There!"

"Woohoo! It's done!" You notice a shadow was over you. You look saw Sanji and smile. "Hey, Sanji!"

"Oh hey, I'm hungry. Is lunch ready?"

You laugh, "I think that's why he's here."

"Oh... Luffy don't eat all the food!" He runs off.

You laugh, go-to stand up Sanji offers you his hand. "Thank you, I was going to come down and help. But I lost track of time, sorry." You smile at him.

He calms down, "don't have apologise. Let's go before Luffy eats everything."

"Right, haha." Yous make your way back down.

Chloe manages to save you both some food. Everyone finished lunch, Usopp came up asking if you wanted to help with another project. You said no, you were going to help Sanji with the dishes. Since you didn't help with lunch. He shrugs goes off and goes to his factory.

Later you help Sanji with dinner. He enjoyed having you all to himself.

- Timeskip a Week Later -

You and Usopp were in your normal spot. Usopp was working on a small project, you sat and watch. He turns to you to ask you a question.

"(Y/N) do you know how to do dreadlocks?"

"Yep, do you want me to do your hair?" You smile at him, causing him to blush.

"If you're not doing anything for the next few hours..."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now