Everyone Knows 🫢

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- Think I've rewritten this three times now. I couldn't decide how I wanted it to go -
- I've changed it again... Sorry for the delay -

I do my hair, everyone packs their stuff. Soon as everyone had breakfast we can leave.

I finish my hair and head down to the others. I hear music. Is that Horror Movies? Chloe got her hologram music out...

'I hate horror movies
Yeah, so please don't ask me why
I hate horror movies
Guess we're too much alike
I got Freddy, Freddy, Freddy in my mind
This movie's looking too much like my life
I hate horror movies
I hate horror movies'

I make it to the stairs... Everyone watching it... It's the one of me dancing... This is the blood version as well... The music video ends.

"I thought you pack that way?" I walk down the stairs.

"No ~ I wanted to listen to music and watch your music videos ~"

"I didn't know you could dance." Robin looks over at me.

"I've been doing dance lessons since I was a kid."

"You're a beautiful dancer."

"Reiju I thought we were meeting you there?"

"I decided to come with you all."


"Next one!"

"Chloe I'm sure everyone doesn't want to watch it."

"But they ask me to show them."

I drop my head, "of course..."

"Oh I like this one ~"

'Oh, my daddy taught me well
There's some devils in heaven and some angels in hell
So promise me child, when they pull your card
You'll know, you'll know which one you are
Ooh, oh ooh'

This is Yondu's song ~

"What is this?" Usopp watches.

"Oh, there are just clips of fights I've been in. With a bunch of other clips. One of my friends made it for me ~"

"You made videos?" Sanji comes over.


"They're good. It's been a while since I saw you dance."

"You saw me dancing with I was drunk? Haha."

"Not drunk," he chuckles.

"(Y/N) what's that song with the blue?"

"Hiding In The Blue?"

"YES!" She switches to it, "what is the other one with flying?"

"Fly Away."

"Fly Away my favourite!"

"I hate to stop watching (Y/N)'s videos. We have to leave," Reiju reminds everyone.

"Oh right!" Chloe shuts it off. She grabs Luffy's hand and gets up.

Everyone else starts moving and heading out.

Sanji and I follow behind everyone. "So are we PDA? Or..."

Sanji takes my hand, "we can."

"Awe don't you two look cute ~" Reiju looks at us smiling.

We freeze, everyone looking at us.

"It's about time you two got together ~" Nami looks at me.

I walk ahead of them and pull Sanji with me. "We've been together for a while now."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now