Brother and Sister 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏽‍♂️

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After you and Sanji had finished 'washing up'. You go looking for Quill.

"QUILL!" You shouted out to him.

You find him sitting on the lounge. He has his helmet on. You walk over to him, sit beside him.

"Quill?" You got no answer. You tap your own, your helmet appears. "Quill?" Your voice goes through to his helmet.

"Uhh... (Y/N)... Uhh, what are you doing? I mean hey Little Sister!"

"Quill are you looking up porn...?"

"What? No, I'm not!"

You sit back, cross your arms. And shake your head. "You're a pain you know that."

"What are you doing? I thought you were in the kitchen with Sanji?"

"I was, we finish doing the dishes."

"Sanji asked you out yet?"

"You ask Gamora out yet?" He goes quiet, "I thought so."

"Why don't you ask him out?"

You look over to him. "I told you, Sanji the type that wants to ask a girl. He doesn't want to be asked out by a girl."

"He needs to catch up with the times! Anyone can ask anyone out."

"Ask Gamora out then..." He shuts up, "so not anyone can ask anyone out ~"

"Gamora and I are... Co-guardians! Rules are guardian can't date another guardian!"

"Quill... There are no rules! We are outlaws! We don't follow rules." You knew the real reason, why he wouldn't ask her out. "Quill..." He looks back at you. "If Gamora died, what would you do?"

"Gamora not going to die. She's -"

You cut him off, "what if one day something happens. 'You' lose Gamora. And you were never able to tell her. How you feel about her. She's gone forever, you never took that chance. You'll regret it for the rest of your life." You place your hand on his. "I know losing your mum was hard Peter. You don't want to lose another important woman in your life."

Quill pulls his hand away. "I can't (Y/N)... Gamora and I... No... What about you and Sanji?"

"Hey! Don't change the subject! This is about you and Gamora! Admit your feelings to her already!"

"You haven't admitted your feelings to Sanji! Have you?"

"No! If I did, I wouldn't tell you!"

He grins, "ohh ~ So you have told him ~ You're not really washing the dishes ~"

"Don't be so perverted..."

"So I'll be expecting Little Stars in nine months!" He rests his feet on the coffee table.

"You know I can't have kids Quill..."

He pulls his legs off quickly. "Sorry... I forgot..."

"It's fine Quill. I've accepted that I'll never have kids of my own."

"I'll find a doctor, that can help you."

"It's a waste of time..."

"There's got to be someone that can help you. Don't you want kids with Sanji?"

You lean on his arm. "More than anything. That's why I stayed back with Vic. See the doctors there. And travel from there. Each doctor came to the same thing. My eggs are frozen solid. Even if I manage to I unfreeze them. The possibility of falling pregnant is 0.000000 many zeros 1 chance. I'm just not meant to have kids..."

Quill could see your eyes tearing up. He hugs you, "if I had stopped you that day. This wouldn't have happened."

"I don't blame yourself, Quill. This is Taserface's fault!"

"I'll find a doctor that can help you. I promise you're my little sister. It's my job to look out for you."

You sit up, "oh now you want to be a big brother?"

"I've been a big brother!"

"Uh-huh... Like that one time, you brought a girl back. 'Accidentally' forgot I was on the ship?"

"You were very quiet..."

"Or that one time, you were being chased. Then use me as a distraction!"

"Uhh... I was teaching! Teaching you to... Evade enemies..."

"It's not working Quill..."

"I kinda guess..."

"I admit it you did teach me though. All I have to do is outrun you. I'm safe."


Yous starts laughing, you rest back on him. "I've missed you, Quill."

"I miss you too. And your cooking!"

"I was waiting for that..."

"Your cooking better than Drax's."

"You need to learn to eat everything."

"No, thanks..."

Your laughter dies down. "I worry about yous."

Quill hugs you, "you don't have to worry about us."

"I can't help but worry. You're on the other side of the galaxy."

"You don't have to worry." He kisses the top of your head.

"Don't die on me..."

"I won't, as long as you promise me something."

You look at him strangely. "What promise?"

"You and Sanji get together."

You sigh, "that's stupid..." You thought about whether or not you should tell him about Sanji. You decided to keep it quiet for now. "Well see what happens."

"You could use that thing you do."

"You mean clairvoyance. I told you I can only see so far." You sit up, "I don't want to know what going to happen."

"It'll be very helpful ~"

"I know, but I like surprises."

"I want you to be happy."

"I want you to be happy too."

You sat there together talking. Off to the side, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji were watching.

"Why do they have helmets on?" Yonji asks.

"Who knows... Probably some sibling thing." Ichiji

"I can't believe we have to do this. Just so Sanji can be happy..." Niji

Reiju stands behind them, "this is for Sanji." She glares at them, they didn't turn around.

"Right... For Sanji..." Yonji walks away. The other two follow behind him.

Reiju looks over to you and smiles. "Adorable little sister in-law ~" She walks off to find Sanji.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now