Busy Morning ⏲

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"Star we need those blueberry bagels now!"
- "(Y/N) where that lime and dragon fruit salad?!"
- "(Y/N) I need those crumpets!"

(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! That's all I've heard this morning! Dom couldn't come in this morning, everyone in the house fell sick. Sous Chef got food poisoning at the main island restaurant. Few others are nursing a hangover. Even though I've been here a week. I got put in charge of everything. Wouldn't be too bad, if today wasn't Island Holiday. To top it off I haven't even made Sanji's breakfast yet...

Rush over to the take out bench, "blueberry bagels, line dragon fruit salad and the crumpets." The waiters took them out.

"(Y/N)," what do they want now?

"I'm making the bacon and omelette now. The fresh fruits and nut crumble are done. So has all smoothies that are on the numbered trays."

"I'll get on that."

"Thank you!" I get back to work. There are so many orders this morning.

"What else do you need?"

Oh, gawd do I have to tell him everything? "Have all the dishes been taken out?"

"Yes, everyone enjoying their meal."

"Good, grab a bench and start cooking. The dishes aren't going to cook themselves."

I didn't hear anything from him after. At least he's cooking. Hopefully, we don't fall behind.

"Star I need a Morning Pick-Me-Up and a fruit layered with dairy-free yoghurt and muesli."

"I got it, tell me how to make the Pick-Me-Up."

"I got the Pick-Me-Up you can make the fruit layered."

"I can do that."

"Thank you," I got everything I needed and the juicer.

"FUCK!" I look over to the stove is on fire. Run over and put the fire out.

"Nash, you alright?"

"I'm fine Star."

Look at his hand, it's burnt he'll need a doctor.

"Go put your hand under cold water now! Go see Nayr, then to the doctors."

"(Y/N) Nayr on the mainland, nursing Sous." Hear one of the girls call out.

"Shit... Nash, will you be able to go to the doctors by yourself?"

"I'll be fine, I'll wrap it and get back to work."

"No, you're not! You're having the rest of the day off. I rather you lose a day, than your hand! Please, Nash!"

"Doctor here to see Nash. Morning Pick-Me-Up is done." Man, this guy is on top of things.

"Thank you, Nash second floor."

"What about you guys?"

"See what the doctor says first! Now go!"

I hear him leave the kitchen. Now, what was he cooking? A Meaty Breakfast... It's burnt to a crisp.

"Everything alright?"

I rub my face and try to relieve the stress. "It's burnt, I'll have to start again. Could you tell table five they'll have to wait for a little longer? Sorry."

"No, it's fine."

"Thank you!" I'll have to tell Dom this guy has been a real help this morning. Have to start over again. I hate wasting food...

"Nash went an apologize for the delay."

I laugh a little, "he's a good kid." Not even a kid, he's like two years younger than me.

Finish making the breakfast, go out and apologize again for the wait. They said was fine, they didn't mind waiting as long as Nash was okay.

Things started to slow down after breakfast. We manage to clean up and make a start on lunch.

Walk into the kitchen, "everyone this morning was crazy. And you all were able to keep up with the craziness. Probably cause you're already crazy, haha." Everyone laughed, "but really keep up the good work! Thank you!"

Everyone smiled and went back to their own thing. Now to find that guy from earlier. I haven't heard from him. Sanji walks through the doors.

"Hey, Sanji. Sorry I wasn't able to make you breakfast this morning."

"It's okay, you were pretty busy this morning."

"Tell me about it, sorry to bail on you. I gotta find the guy that was helping out this morning."

"Oh, he was helpful?"

"Yeah, he picked up after me pretty much. I had Nash burn himself, and had to remake the food. I like to give credit where credit is due. And say thanks for this morning." He chuckled, "what are you laughing for?"

"I'm glad I could help this morning."

What? I facepalm myself, "it was you wasn't it?" He nods, "sorry Sanji for making you work."

"It's okay, saw you were a few chefs short."

"A few? More like the whole kitchen... Dom's family fell sick, Sous got food poisoning and Nayr with him. The others are nursing a hangover. Thanks for jumping in and helping." I smile at him and hear the doors open. It's the drunks.

- Sanji -

She goes and yells at the guys walking in. Must be the other chefs. When I came in this morning, the place was packed. It was busier than the Baratie grand opening. I couldn't sit back and watch. She gave orders to people like Zeff, it almost felt like I was on the Baratie again.

"Sanji," turn around and see Chopper coming down the stairs.

"Chopper how is he?"

"Thankfully he got under cold water. It's nothing too serious, he can go back to work in a week or two."

"That's good, (Y/N) will be happy to hear it."

"You group of drunks, you knew what today was. You still decided to get drunk off your tits! The only one with an excise is Sous, who got food poisoning! Now say thanks to everyone covering your asses. That includes Sanji!"

They said thank everyone that covered. And went to work. (Y/N) came over, "Chopper how's Nash going? Nothing to serious?"

"Nope, he'll be okay. He can go back to work in a week or two."

"That's good, no doubt he'll try and sneak into the kitchen before. NASH!"

"I'm just getting a drink!" Turn to see him cowardly.

"Then say something, geez. You two go sit down, I'll make you something to eat."

"Waffles please ~" Chopper said jumping around.

"Sure, Sanji?" Her voice sounds so sweet.

"I'm fine, th -"

"My choice? Got it, I won't be long. Nash! Go sit down now!"

"Yes, Ma'am..."

"Yay! Waffles!!"

Chopper and Nash head upstairs. Even though she seems stressed out. She kept the kitchen running. Zeff would be proud of her. I head upstairs with the two.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now