Quiet 🤐

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You made Luffy more meat, Chopper and Usopp more waffles and lox. Which annoyed Sanji, asking for more food from you. He never said anything. The others only ask for another drink or two.

The restaurant filled up quickly for breakfast. Waiters, waitresses, and chore kids were all over the place. Occasionally you came out to serve people and take orders. Dom had asked them to move to the second floor if they wish to stay. As he need more room for customers. They all move to the second floor which had a view of the lower floor.


Now a little past 11, things had slowed down. The tables were being cleaned and set for lunch. You walked up the spiral staircase.

"Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting." You walked over to them. As you got closer, you draped your arms around Sanji's neck. Causing him to freeze up, you noticed. Giggled that you still had that effect on him.

"That's fine, you seem to get quite busy." Robin tried not to giggle.

"Yep, that's breakfast and dinner. Lunch is a bit slower, the chore kids get to help out with the cooking."

"Chore kids? Isn't it chore boy?" Usopp asks.

"Yeah, but we have two boys and a girl working. We call them chore kids instead."


You looked over to Luffy, "you want more meat? Haha."

"Yes! Join my crew!" Luffy shouted.

You were shocked, then laughed. "I would love to but I can't."

"Why not?" Nami asked.

"Well, I'm Chloe's how could I put it... Family, I promised I would protect her. I can't just leave her here. Sorry, but you are all welcome here anytime."

"Hmmm..." Luffy sat there thinking.

You notice Sanji hadn't said anything still. And that he was smoking. You took it out of his mouth and had a puff.

"King Ground, they taste better after you've had them."

Sanji took it back off of you. "You smoke now?"

"Yep, have been for three years now." He places it back in his mouth. "How was the indirect kiss?" You lean down to his ear.

Sanji tensed up, Zoro busted out laughing.

"(Y/N) you're probably wondering who are we." Nami was about to introduce everyone.

"I already know who everyone is. Nami, Robin, Chopper, Brook, Usopp, Zoro, ay Franky." Cause Franky to laugh. "The future King of the Pirates Luffy. But I didn't know Jinbe was a Straw Hat."

"I officially join the crew not long ago."

"Ahhh I see, it hasn't reached the papers yet. Sneaky ~" You eyed him off playfully.

"(Y/N) ~" You turn to see Chloe coming over. "Mr Knight hello ~"

"Hello Chloe," he waved back.

Chloe notices everyone, "oh oh it's the Straw Hats! That means Sanji here!" She notices your arms draped around his neck. "Yip yip! You have your prince charming back!" She jumped up and down.

"Haha, don't get too excited Chloe."

"Yip right!" She settles down.

Luffy looks up, to meet Chloe's graze, Chloe stops. "You're Monkey D. Luffy, who's going to be the King of the Pirates! ~"

Luffy bits his bottom lip and nods. Everyone just stares at him. Normally he's excited and jumps up about finding the One Piece. Instead, he was quiet. Now two of the guys were quiet and frozen.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now