Drinking 🍶

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"BBB MORE SAKI!" Jordy screams out.

"Coming up Bish! Anyone else wants a drink?"

"HAI!" Everyone at the tables shouted.

You walked off to the bar, you felt someone's desire. You didn't know it was Sanji's, he was following you.

You reach the bar, "17 more drinks pretty please ~"

She laughs, "coming up Star." She goes to gather the drinks.

You look around the bar, waving to the other bartenders.

"Is that your real name?"

You look in the direction the voice came from. It was a drunken, sleazy guy. You could feel his horniness, it made you sick. Your happy, giddy mood was gone.

"Fuck off!"

He got closer, "I reckon Star your strip name." He went to touch your arm, you moved out of the way.

"Fuck off, before I kick you into a wall!"

He went for you again, in a second you kicked him and sent him flying into some chairs. You felt the desire person coming fast. You could also feel protectiveness? You ignored it and went to kick them too. As you turn you saw Sanji and lowered your leg.

"Hey Sanji ~ I'll be over with the drinks in a second ~" You smiled at him.

You didn't notice the concern in his eyes. He just looked at you and the guy. Then look to your arm, that you did notice.

"Is something on my arm?" You look at your arm and couldn't see anything.

He took your hand, "he didn't touch you did he?"

"Huh? Oh the sleaze, he did touch my boot that was it."

"Star your drinks are ready."

"Thank you ~" You grab a tray went to grab the second, but Sanji stop you.

"I'll take these two for you." He smiled at you.

"Okay ~ Thank you ~"

"My pleasure..." He was blushing hard, again you didn't notice.

You both get back and hand out the drinks. Everyone was laughing and having fun. One of your favourite songs came on, and you had to dance. You jumped out of your chair, with a drink in hand. Started dancing, Nami, Jordy, and Itzel go to dance. Chloe and Luffy also jumped up and did their own dance... They were having fun, everyone was drunk. Mostly everyone.

The song was over Jordy and Itzel went to get more drinks. You and Nami continued dancing and having fun. At one stage you attempted to drink with your arms wrapped around one another. Which ended with you both spilling drinks on yourselves. You said she could go back to yours and get change if she wanted to. From that, it turned into a sleepover. Everyone sleeping over... Yes, it was a five bedder, but it was a small five bedder...

Everyone decided to head back to yours. All you girls decided to synchronise walk home. You and Nami had convinced Robin to join in as well. For eight drunk girls walking in a line, you manage to make it halfway, before Zara fell over. Pulling Sammy, Itzel, Jordy and Chloe down. You fell down laughing along with Nami. And Robin was able to keep herself up. Meanwhile, Sanji was watching you like a hawk. Make sure your dress never lifted. He would kick anyone that looks.

You all make it back to the house. Itzel, Josh, Zara and Sammy go to bed. Most probably for sex... Usopp and Chopper crash out on the 'love' lounge together. Jinbe sat on the single lounge claiming he was 'resting' for a bit. Brook and Franky took one of the other three single lounges. Robin stayed up a bit to have a few drinks of water. You prepare your bed and a change of clothes for her and Nami. Robin thanked you. Nami went for a shower and then to bed. Sometime during this Chloe and Luffy snuck off to her room, and fell asleep.

The only people left awake, were you, Jordy, Sanji and Zoro. The four of you stayed up drinking and talking. The three of you did, again Sanji went quiet. He was admiring you, happy little drunk you were. Zoro turns his attention, to Jordy. She hadn't stopped calling Mister Hot Greenie all night. You turn to Sanji, you caught his eye and smile.

You jump out of your seat and grab his hand. "Sanji come with me!" You drag him outside before he could even speak. You sit on the wet grass, you begin to pout Sanji was still standing. "You going to sit or not?"

He sits beside you, your pout turned into a smile. You laid down on the grass and looked up at the stars.

"Tonight was great, wasn't it? Hehe."

Sanji laid down next to you, his vest and shirt turning cold from the dew on the grass.

"It was, but when did this turn into a sleepover?"

"I said Nami could come over and get change. Then proof sleepover ~"

"Proof?" He started laughing, which caused you to giggle.

"Proof just like that ~" You raised your other hand as if you were throwing dust into the air.

Sanji turns his head and admires you. You were beautiful, and the most precious woman to him. To him, you were his Precious Angel. He squeezes your hand. And out of reflex, you squeeze back.

It started to get cold, "we better go inside it's starting to get cold."

"Huh?" You turn your head and look at him.

"Aren't you cold?"

"No, I don't get cold anymore." You look back at the sky. "After happen I don't feel it."

"The incident you were talking about?"


"What happens?"

"I don't want to ruin the night. I'll tell you another time. Come on let's go in."

Sanji stands and helps you up. As you go inside see Jordy and Zoro were gone.

"I guess they went to her room. That's okay, I'm fine sleeping on the floor."

"You're not sleeping on the floor! I'll kick that bastard out." He goes stomping off, you pull him back.

"Leave him, it's fine. You can take the lounge, I'll -"

"I'm not letting you sleep on the floor."

You were in the kitchen debating who would sleep on the lounge. You sat on the floor refusing to move until he accepted it. In turn, he sat next to you. Halfway through sleep was taking a hold of both of you. You both fell asleep still debating who was sleeping where. You cuddle up to Sanji's arm, resting your head on his shoulder. Sanji rested his head on yours.

You slept peacefully to the morning. Till it was time to make breakfast for everyone. You were the first to wake up. You soak in the moment, of being close to Sanji. What you didn't know Sanji was doing the same. Until you move to start breakfast. He helps prepare, and set up the table and chairs outside in the backyard. Everyone woke feeling groggy step out into the light. Ate their sober breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone was showered and rested. Before lunch, you made your way to the Sunny. Helping Sanji with lunch, since everyone enjoys their sober breakfast. The rest of the day was spent resting. You and Sanji spent the day talking. Both enjoy each other company. You return his lighter, and Sanji did the same. As he took his lighter back, it smelled like musk sticks. Each time he went to light a smoke, all he could smell was musk sticks.

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