Hoodie 🤍

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After you had sorted out Quill and Gamora argument. The snowstorm came and hit hard, burying the cabin in the snow. You and Robin went around making sure everyone had enough blankets. The Vinsmoke brothers denied they didn't need anymore. You ignored them handed them blankets anyway. Rejiu thank you for thinking of them.

On your way back, you stop at Sanji's room. You knock on the door, "Sanji ~"

The door quickly opens, "(Y/N)." He looks tense.

"Are you okay Sanji?" You walk in, Sanji closes the door.

"I'm okay. How was Zeff...?"

"He's good, he wanted me to come home. I said we would visit when Luffy becomes King of the Pirates. We find the All Blues ~" He tries to smile, he holds his arm. "Is your arm okay?"

Sanji quickly let's go. "Oh yes, it's okay."

"Sanji have you been smoking my smokes?"

"(Y/N) could I -"

"No, you're not. You promise Sanji..."

He sighs, "I know... I'm sorry (Y/N)... It's just..."

You take his hand, lead him to the bed. "Sit," you lightly push him.

He sits down, you straddle him. "(Y/N) what are you?"

"Occupying your lips ~" You cup his face kiss him. You lick along his lips, he lets you in.

You search around, loving that you could do this with Sanji. Sanji firmly places his hands on your back holds you close.

There's a knock on the door. You quickly jump off. "(Y/N) can I have another blanket please?" You hear Chloe through the door.

"Yep, I'll be out in a second."

"Okay ~"

You stand up look back at Sanji. "If you need me. I'll be in my room ~ I'll have something on you might like ~" You left the room to see Chloe.

He quickly wipes his nose, sighs. "Something on I might like? Fuck me..." Sanji lays back stares at the ceiling.

Trying to figure out what you might have on. Was it lingerie? What type of lingerie? Was it a sexy outfit? Many thoughts started running through his head. He quickly shakes them away. Gets into bed, brushing it off as playing around. You weren't going to do that?

You lay in bed, hoping for Sanji to come. You had Sanji's hoodie on. One he 'lent' you back on the Baratie. He had cigarette burns on it. You left your shorts off. Had blue lacey underwear on. You could see a little bit of ink on your butt. You were getting impatient. You closed your eyes saw Sanji wasn't coming. Annoyed you hop into bed. Plan how you were going to annoy Sanji the next day.

Next the morning, you woke up. You decided to leave the hoodie on, threw a pair of shorts on. You headed to the kitchen. You walk past Sanji's door, hear it open. As you walk, you put a little sway in your hips kept walking.

Sanji notices you wearing his old hoodie. Couldn't help but stare at you. He knew you had kept it, didn't expect you to be wearing it.

You reach the kitchen, you turn to see him. "Good morning Sanji ~"

He snaps out of it. "Good morning (Y/N)..."

You giggled, "what did you want to make?"

"Huh? Oh, just what we made yesterday."

"Okay ~ Oh Sanji ~"


"Don't think you're getting your hoodie back. It's past the 48 hour mark. This hoodie is now mine ~" You turn back to the cupboard.

He smiles, "I wouldn't take it off it. I don't want you to get cold."

"But I don't feel the cold anymore ~" You look back at him. "If you want to, you can take it off. Just know I'm not wearing anything underneath ~" You turn back to what you were doing.

Sanji quickly grabs a piece of paper towel. Wipes his nose, before you see him. 'So that's what she meant by something on I might like.' He looks back at you. 'I do like it on her. She has something of mine on. She's happily wearing it.'

You both start making breakfast. Talk about what you were going to cook for the day. Was there anything you wanted to cook? There was, but you didn't have any of the ingredients. There were off-world ingredients. You doubt that Quill would have anything fresh and or eatable.

Not long after you finish making breakfast. Started taking everything out. Everyone slowly made their way. All of them rugged up from the cold. All of them except you and Chopper. Chloe was cuddling up to Luffy to keep him warm.

Quill comes out, notices your hoodie. He smiles sits down.

"What are you smiling about?" Gamora asks.

"You're not happy to have (Y/N)'s food again."

"You really like (Y/N)'s cooking..."

"Who doesn't? Especially when your little sister, has been trained but the Greatest Chef in the galaxy."

You hear Quill and smile. "Damn right I was ~"

You look over to Sanji, watch his cheek turn pink. You place Rocket's pancake down.

He starts digging into them. "I bet the chef doesn't know how to make fuck up pancakes."

"That's just my special dish for you Rocket." You go sit down, start eating.

Sanji sits down next to Rejiu. "So the greatest chef in the galaxy?"

"I'm sure they met someone else."

"No, I think they meant you ~"

Sanji keeps quiet, eats his breakfast. Wonder why you called him that. He decided he'll ask you when you were back in the kitchen.

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