Tattoo 🐟💙🐟

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- Blue one is Sanji. I couldn't find one that had a female and male Siamese. Females are smaller and don't have big tails, like males. No flowers at the moment -


"We're sorry!"

"Your cookies smell so good."

I glare down at the two guys on the floor. I shake my head. "If you wait five minutes they'll be cool enough to eat." They lower their heads, "go see if anyone else wants some. By the time you get back, they'll be ready."

"Hai!" They run out onto the deck. I go back to washing the dishes.

"So I see they've been pestering you again, haha."

I turn my head to see Cap, "hey Cap. You can have a cookie."

"A cookie?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Just don't be a pig..." I return back to my washing.

"So (Y/N), you going to tell me the story about your tattoo? And why do you want to show it off all the time?" I heard him take a bite.

"I told you it's very special to me," I remember back to when we were kids.

- Flashback -

"Sanji! Sanji! Sanji!" I run through the doors of the Baratie.

"(Y/N) you're back!" Sanji came out of the kitchen.

"Hehe, Sanji I need your help."

I remember Sanji running to my side, all worried. "What's wrong?"

"Hehe, nothing wrong silly. I need help to decide on what tattoo I want when I get older." I held a book in my hands.

"You want my help?" Sanji stood there staring at me.

"No, Granddaughter of mine getting a tattoo."

"Grandma said I could!"

"Oh, Zeff stop being so uptight." Grandma walks in behind me.

"I said no!" I remember his stern glare.

I gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes. "Please Grandpa?"

"No, men are allowed to hurt you!"

"That's okay, I'll get a girl to do it. That way no boy will hurt me, hehehe." He grumbles I grab Sanji's hand ran to the top deck.

I sat down while holding his hand. "You going to sit?"


I open my book, "okay I want a fish one." I started flipping through the book.

"Why fish?"

"Cause I like fish silly. I want Siamese fighting fish!" I point to the Siamese fighting fish and tell him all about them.

"Why do you need my help?"

"Well... I want to know what's your favourite colour?"

"My favourite colour?" I nodded, "blue I guess."

"Are you sure?"


"Good, so the boy one will be blue and the girl one will be (F/C)."

"Wh-What? Why?"

"Cause you're my prince charming silly, hehe."

I remember his face turning bright red.

- End of Flashback -

"I bet the tattoo about her and some guy ~"

I'm pulled from my memory. "No, dessert for you Craig!"

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now