Cute Moment 🤸🏼‍♂️ {7K Views}

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- 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 -

"Ow!" Fucking asshole!

"That's for your boyfriend forcing me to eat that disgusting food." He rubs his knuckles, grins at me.

"Sanji's food is the best you'll ever have. You're the only thing disgusting around here."

"What did you say?!" He goes to hit me, one of his mates stops him.

"You leave any marks on her, he'll come after you."

"I'll like to see him try." He pulls his arm away, walks off.

"Don't come back," I get up. "Ow!" Fuck I landed on my hip.

I have a look, there's already a bruise coming. I'll try walking, fuck it hurts.

"How am I going to hide this from Sanji and Grandpa?" I take a step, gawd pain shots up my body. "Fuck me, I'm going to have to walk this off."

I make my way back to the Baratie.


"I'm back ~" I walk through the door, the place is quiet. Sanji comes over, "hi Sanji ~" He looks at me worried, "what's wrong?"

He looking at my shoulder. Shit did he leave a bruise on me?!

"What happens?"

"What do you mean?"I try to smile, the pain just getting worse.

"You have a bruise on your arm." His stare interferes.

I take a look, fuck its fingertip bruises.

"(Y/N) what happen?"

I can't lie, he knows when I'm lying... "A customer wasn't happy with the food. He was talking crap, I told him off."



"Are you hurt anywhere else?" He looks me over.

"Uhh..." Do I tell him about hip?

"What are you pair doing?!" Grandpa comes over, looks at my arm.

His eyes widen, "it was a customer. Really I'm -" My left leg gives out. "Arrr," I look up Sanji catches me. But he touches my bruise, "ow..."

"(Y/N), I'm sorry!"

He sits me in a chair, "it wasn't you Sanji. I... I landed on my hip..." Sanji storms, "Sanji!!"

- Sanji -

How dare that asshole hurt (Y/N)! Leaving bruises on her (S/C) smooth skin. I'll kick his teeth in.


I dock I know that asshole lives here somewhere. I walk around looking for him.

"Where did he say he worked at?" I stop and look around. I should have listened, (Y/N) was talking. I can't ignore her. Not when she smiles when she talks. What? I mean...

"There's the shit cook! You better have my money!"

"Dude I told you not to leave a mark on her! Now, look!"

"Tyson he doesn't look too happy. Maybe you should run..."

His mates start to back up.

"What the fuck are you all running away for? It's one g -"

I kick him in the stomach, "you should never lay hand on a lady. Especially (Y/N)!"

I kick him again, "fuck you!"

- Second -

Tyson doubles over, holding his stomach. He coughs, "fucking bastard..."

"No one touches (Y/N)! And gets away with it."

"She's just a whore!" As he goes to punch Sanji. Sanji blocks it with his foot.

"How dare you call (Y/N) a whore!" Sanji laid into him.

No one was allowed to lay a finger on his angel. Let alone call his angel a whore.

Tyson's friends watch on, as Sanji kicked into him. They weren't even going to try and save him. He got himself in this, he could deal with it on his own.

Sanji kicks him to the ground, glares down at him. "If you ever go near, look, speak, touch or think about (Y/N)! You'll wish you were dead." He lights his smokes and heads back to his boat.

Tyson's friends come over. "Wow man, he really fucked you up."

"Maybe next time you'll listen."

"Guess we're never eating there again.

Meanwhile, Zeff called a doctor to look at your hip. She walks out of your room and closes the door. "How is she?"

"She'll be fine. The bruising will take a while to go. There's no damaged or broken bones." She walks downs the stairs to the boat.

Zeff knocks on the door, "Precious Girl open up."

"One second Grandpa," you hobble to the door and unlock it. "What is it, Grandpa?"

He walks in, "sit down." You hobble back over to the bed. "You are to stay in bed. And no more going out on your own."

"GRANDPA?! That's not fair!"

"I won't have you getting hurt again!"

"But that's not fair!?"

Sanji goes to knock on the door. "If you need to go anywhere. Sanji can take you."

"What?" Sanji looks at Zeff then at you.

"If (Y/N) needs to go anywhere, you'll be taking her." Zeff leaves you pair alone.

Sanji comes in, "how are you feeling?"

"I'll be okay, don't worry about it." You look him over, he's a mess. "Are you okay? You look untidy."

Sanji looks at himself, quickly fixes him up. "It was windy out there today."

"Uh-huh..." You put your legs on the bed, try and get comfortable. You wince a bit from the pain.

Worrying Sanji, "are you okay (Y/N)?"

"I'll be okay, don't worry." As you smile, some of your hair covers your right eye.

Remind Sanji of his mum in bed. He steps closer to the bed. "(Y/N) can you... Promise me something?"

"Sure anything."

"Uhh... Promise me you won't ever get badly hurt. If you're in trouble you'll come get me."

"Oh umm okay. I promise I won't get badly hurt. I'll come find you when I'm in trouble."

"Good," he smiles at you. "If there anything you want?"

"Hmmm... Can I have cookies?"

"Yes, you can." He leaves you in the room. He heads back downstairs to make your cookies.

He hated seeing you in pain. He loved seeing your beautiful smile.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now