Brother, Sister Fight 🤼

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"See that necklace around my dear sister's neck."

They all look at my necklace.  "Fuck me... Groot put me down."

"I am Groot."


"Little sister here been going around saying she's betrothed to a prince."

"QUILL!" Bloody tree let me go! I try to get out of his grip. "YOU BETTER SHUT YOUR MOUTH! OTHERWISE, I'LL END YOU!" This is what I get for telling him about Sanji!

"What else did she say?" Zoro asks, fuck you too Zoro.

"Don't encourage him Zoro!" I struggle to get out the bloody tree's hand.

"So (Y/N) betrothed to Ero-Cook."

"Fuck you too Zoro! You're no longer my adopted big brother!!" He looks at me all smug like.

"Yep, any prince tried to ask for her hand. She showed her necklace, said she was betrothed to a blue-eyed, blonde hair prince already. She was waiting to return to his side. So they could get married, live happily together and cook." He holds his hands together, looks over to me. I look at him, 'I will murder you!'

"Really now?" Zoro looks at Sanji then to me.

"Marriage huh?" Nami looks at me smirking.

Please Thor oh please strike me down now!

"So you and Sanji are getting married?" Chopper asks.

"It's a lie I told after Spartax, princes were asking for my hand. I said no sorry I was already betrothed to a prince on my home planet. So his kingdom and Spartax could be unified. Most times it works."

"Most times?" Reiju asks.

"One prince kidnap her and tried to force her into a marriage." Rocket climbs on Groot.

"Rocket... Shut your mouth..." I glare at him, I mouth I will hug you!

"Shutting up!"

"I thought soo..." Bloody raccoon dog...

"Kidnap, how?" Robin asks.


Everyone looks at Quill. "It wasn't my fault, she always says it's my fault."

"Because it is your fault!! Now let me go!!!"

"I am Groot."

"That's enough!" I took my sword cut off his arm, I landed on my feet.

"I am Groot."

"It'll grow back! Quill!!"

He hides behind Sanji. "Little sister come on."

I walk over to them, "you should have kept your mouth shut!"

"I thought you and Sanji would be together." I'm going to kill him, "Gamora a little help here?"

"You started it."

"Peter!" Ichiji grabs my hand. "Let me go."

"Thanks, Bro," Quill pats his shoulder.

Ichiji lets go of my hand, "AHHHH!!" I run after him. "This will teach you for opening your mouth!"

- Sanji -

She said she was betrothed to me... She was kidnapped?


I look to see what's happening, (Y/N) on the ground fighting Quill.

"Maybe next time you'll keep your mouth shut." She puts him in a headlock.

"Stop!" Drax goes to stop them.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now