She's... Out Here...? ❓

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"Here is your coffee Robin-chan ~"

"Oh thank you, Sanji. Nami said we'll be landing in a few hours. Might be a good time to start looking for (Y/N)." I look away, "you have to start somewhere."

I look back at her and try to smile. "Always right dear Robin-chan ~" She smiles and drinks her coffee. "Anything else I can get you?"

"No thank you, Sanji."

"Enjoy your coffee."

"I will," she goes back to reading.

I stand outside the kitchen. There's no point in looking for (Y/N). Especially this far into the New World. It would be impossible for her to be out here. Zeff not going to travel to the New World. Neither would her Grandma.

I look up into the sky, "precious angel (Y/N)."

- Flashback -

"Sanji ~" She walks in, wearing a light blue summer dress.

I remember standing there staring at her, she was stunning. Her long (H/C) hair framed her face beautifully.

"Y-Yes (Y/N)?"

Her giggles sounded so sweet. "I need help?"

"What do you need help with?" She grabs my hand and runs to the top deck.

Ever since we were kids, she would pull me up there. So Zeff couldn't hear us. Then again I would have followed her anywhere. She would never let go of my hand unless she needs to.

"So what part of my body is less attractive?"

"What?" I couldn't believe she ask me that. I found every part of her attractive. Not that I ever told her.

"I want to know what's less attractive. So I can have my tattoo there."

"Where do you want the tattoo is a better question. How big do you want it?"

"Hey, no avoiding the question Sanji!" She let go of my hand, got real close to my face. Close enough I could smell the musk stick body lotion she had on.

"I-I'm not, it's just. Wh-why would you say less attractive?"

She sits back and shrugs. "I wanted it on my thigh, but it'll always be covered. No one would see it unless I wore a bikini. Then I thought my back, I could wear backless tops, dresses." Her eyes sparkled whenever she spoke about her tattoo.

It was a tattoo of just us. Her favourite fish, our favourite colours. I never understood why she wanted it. Or why she would kiss me on the cheek when it never went any further. Sometimes I wish it did.

"Don't you think about dating (Y/N)! No one allowed to date, my Granddaughter. Especially goes for you eggplant!"

If (Y/N) made the first move, I believe... I believe Zeff would have allowed it. I like to believe...

- End of Flashback -

"Sanji you okay?" I look down to see Nami worried.

"I'm perfectly fine, don't you worry Nami."

"Hmmm okay. Well, we'll make land in about two hours."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now