11. The Boats-

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They could barely see anything out of the window when the train arrived at the destination. Flying lanterns were things the kids saw along the Hogwarts station. One was held by a big man with a thick beard and bushy hair.

'We're here! We're here! It's Hogwarts Station!' shouted Padma, looking back and forth from the window and the others.

Joel's heart was thumping. He was nervous and excited at the same time. It was happening. Frankie and the other staff of Prep-Sess had talked wonderful things. This amazing school was just around the corner. It was happening!

The absolute bombastic castle that Ollivander told him when he was picking up his very first wand. It was real!

He followed the crowd, out of the train, pulling his big heavy luggage behind him.

'Firs' years, gather up! Firs' years gather up with me! Come on here! I'll guide yeh all! Firs' years gather here!' shouted the big man. The big man looked down. He talked briefly to a skinny boy with brown hair, wearing circular-framed glasses.

Joel gathered up with the first years, jumbling with various students of his age group He tried to find the kids he shared a compartment with, but only found Michael.

The older kids from other coaches headed away in huddles, loud as ever, talking over each other and yelling. Their voices gradually died down, leaving the location.

'Alrigh' 'opefully it's all of yeh. Right! My name is Rubeus Hagrid! Yer can call me Hagrid. I work as a groundskeeper in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Today, is yer special day ter discover the wonders of this school. Ye will meet teachers and older students here! Learn new knowledge! Magical creatures! 'Opefully a lot of ye love ter take care of lovely magical creatures like me! Well now, follow me!'

Hagrid guided the first years to a path by the bushes and giant trees, leaving the older students who were going on a more rocky path. It was dark. They could barely see what was around them. It was quite terrifying to be in it for the first time. Most of the kids held each other for comfort, following the only source of light that Hagrid held in hand.

They made it to the dock of a lake. A great big lake. The moon was bright and the water sparkled. The best view of all was the castle. It was on top of a cliff, with lights in every part of it. Majestic and magical. A painting of deep imagination. All fear was gone. The full moon, the sparkly lake, and twinkling stars.

'Woah...' Joel uttered quietly.

'Woah indeed,' said another boy next to him.

There were boats waiting at the dock. Lots of boats. Another man was there, though he looked grumpy and wrinkly.

'Meet Argus Filch, the caretaker. Don't mess with him or his cat, Mrs Norris. He can put yer lot in detention, be careful,' said Hagrid quickly. 'Alrigh' get in, all of yer! Fill in the boat, don't dilly dally with yer friends, now! There's plenty of time fer tha' in the castle! Ge' in all of yer!' spoke Hagrid.

Joel sat on an empty boat at the front with another kid he didn't know the name of. He was excited to go to the castle. The boat was filled with eight kids. Ernie, Padma, and Parvati were in it with him as he looked behind. They exchanged greets as if they had known each other for years. He had never imagined Hogwarts would be this amazing. Especially when the boat moved itself once all eight kids were seated.

He looked around, wondering how the boat moved itself when no one was rowing. And no engines! The boats were literally moving themselves! Magic is amazing, he thought to himself. He was looking forward to what he might find in that castle. The closer he got to it, the bigger it was.

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