56. New Year's Eve-

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As it seemed, staying in Hogwarts for the holidays, no 1st and 2nd year students, even 3rd years barely here; added with those from different schools; four Hogwarts houses competed in hosting the best New Year's Eve party ever. All head students and prefects from four houses made this legally allowed and they pledged the teachers to trust their plans. Common rooms opened for everyone tonight. No passwords needed. No uniforms. No school rules. No curfews. No detentions.

This is what they'd say as... FREEDOM.


Joel grabbed three red glasses of butterbeer.

Loud techno music. Dim purple lights. Mysterious dark atmosphere. People were dancing, talking, and other means of enjoying themselves, in the Ravenclaw New Year's Eve common room party. The common room was cramped with people. Kids from four houses, and from different schools of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were here to have fun.

'Finally!' said Terry in a big smile. He took two glasses off of him and gave one to the elegant Apolline.

Apolline's hair shined, bright gold. She was beaming an energetic pull that a vella can do. Some boys were leering over Apolline, hoping to talk to her as the veela allurance of men, reeled them in, but they knew that they shouldn't. But it was hard to resist. Even Joel could sense the pull.

'I'll be over there, alright,' Joel said, holding his sloshing butterbeer.

In his mind, he noted, it was better to move away before he did something he'd regret and made an enemy out of Terry.

He saw Anthony dancing with Mandy. The calm and collected Anthony. That tall boy had never been seen as free as now; laughing, messy hair, dancing, and tipsy. Mandy held his hands and danced around like they were the only ones in the room, enjoying the beats.

Joel made his way around, swaying casually as he walked, drinking down half of his drink. Foot tapped vigorously to the beat, watching people dancing.

'Roger...! Roger...! Roger...!' people were chanting on the current Ravenclaw captain, in a corner.

Roger Davis was downing a jug of butterbeer, competing against a Durmstrang. Hogwarts kids rooted for Roger, while the Durmstrang lot cheered for their own.

The durmstrang won! The Bulgarian students whooped and whistled. Roger Davis accepted his defeat, wiping off escaping liquid down his chin, yet still got a good hard pat and a laugh from his opponent.

Joel couldn't lie, the party was the best he had ever had. It was different to the usual dorm parties; maybe because the common room was open for everyone and no curfews.

Joel entered the middle of the room to dance, when a new music made its way in.


Music filled the happy yellow hour. Dimly warm yellow lights blinked from below, by the crevices of the floor in the Hufflepuff's common room.

Glasses of butterbeer were made to self fill. No one had to go around the room. They could drink how much they wanted.

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