13. Ice Cream-

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Right after she picked up Lizzy from school, Amber went upstairs and shut herself in the home office, to continue working. She was someone's personal manager, managing their timetables, connecting with other people, and so on. Her mind would be occupied with people, people, and people. She answered emails or make negotiation phonecalls, sometimes she would get out of the house herself to socialise with those people. All of this was for her client. Lizzy came second after work.

Lizzy went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was nothing great in it. Food was scarce. There were no greeneries, beef, or even fruits. Though she found a one day overdue milk and a couple of eggs. She decided to make scrambled eggs.

Living without Joel nearby was profoundly difficult. She had never felt so lonely being in the house. At this hour, she would have been at the Lisbon's, watching tv and eating their snacks. She would have visited Joel to play, if only...

And school? School wasn't different either. There was nothing special without her old gang to bother a nerve. She felt empty, without Joel, Bobby, and Cole.

Well, Joel's mum should be at the house next door, but it's not the same as hanging out with Joel. She didn't want to be smothered like a child if she was to hang out with Claire. So that was why she'd rather stay back in this quiet house.

She took a clean pan, not the one's in the dirty sink. She put it on the stove and turned the blue fire to heat underneath the surface. She cracked eggs and poured the last stream of milk before she tossed the cracks and carton into the bin. She mixed them lightly with a spoon when the mixture started simmering.

As she stirred, she heard tapping sounds on a window. An owl was flying around, determined to get into the house. Lizzy's eyes widened in delight. That must be a magical owl from Hogwarts.

She almost forgot the stove when she reached for the back door. The owl was expecting her, but she had to make a quick run to turn off the stove, before she let the bird in. The owl swooped into the kitchen and hooted a sound. It landed on one of the two highchairs by the kitchen's island.

'Hello!' said Lizzy happily. She got the letter off from it's beak. The owl stayed in place and watched her expectantly with brooding chest.

'You don't fly away?' asked Lizzy.

The owl shook it's head, making Lizzy giggle to know an owl understood her words. She looked at the letter. It had her name on the envelop. She ripped the seal and pulled out the letter to read.

Dear Lizzy,

I know, it's been weeks since I left King's Cross Station. You might wonder what I'm doing now, aren't you?

Don't worry, I'm great. Perfect, actually. I never felt so alive! Being a wizard is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I learn new things that you don't get as a muggle. I met new "interesting" friends here.

This school has a lot of activities to keep me occupied. I can join clubs and games here. There's never a dull moment! A Popular game in here is called gobstone. It's like marble, but I think it is actually marble.

My favorite subject so far are... charms and...defense... who am I kidding! All of them! Except arithmancy. It's just regular maths.

Lizzy! This school is in a castle! You'll love every second here! The beds keep you warm at night, it's fantastic!

There is quidditch. It's a sport. Like football. But you ride a flying broom, can you believe it? I can't believe it myself and I've been taking flying lessons. I really want to get into the team. They open tryouts next year. 2nd year! I'm allowed to try! I hope I can get in, and you can watch the tryout! I'm interested in quidditch. But I only notice it after this famous Harry Potter joins in. He's a 1st year like me! My mates told me 1st years aren't allowed to sign up... but I guess it's Harry Potter. He's like a hero to most wizards and witches... but he looks like an average boy to me. I don't know why people, including the teachers, look at him in high admiration. It's weird.

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