64. Right Leg-

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Eyes flickered. His soul was gathering meaning into his being, blurry images refocused, taking objects into a reality as he opened up, even to the dusts he could see. He reassesed his surroundings and he tried to remember what day it was, what class he had to attend.

He didn't dare to be late, hoping it wasn't Professor Snape's or McGonnagall's. But then he realized, he was home. He saw the familiars.

He stretched his body, but constricted of something attached. He pulled up his blanket, feeling heavy. His head turned, seeing something beside it, he peeked in, surprised, Lizzy was sleeping. Her had rested on his side. A leg on his thigh. An arm on his chest.

His daze turned up sharply, entirely awake. Lizzy was sleepinv by his side, no, she was on him, maybe almost. His heart jolted. It didn't help that he thought she looked cute when she was sleeping, but the main concern was that she was explicably present on his body.

He could feel every nubs of her five fingers resting on his collarbone. He could feel her breathing on his neck. More dangerously, her knee was near his--Damn it not now... he thought.

He held his organ to calm down, holding it down. He looked up at the ceiling, trying to breathe a little clearer. He had to prevent that one. When she was right here, he had to compose himself. Just then her leg moved up, settling righy on top of his hand which was holding down the part.

No... my hand... but still... he thought. He breathed to god, praying she wouldn't know.

He slid to the side slowly, so as to not wake her up. He succeeded in laying her leg down on the bed. Ba-dump! He fell to the floor and winced.

Lizzy groaned, waking up by the thud. She stretched, while taking deep cold air.

Joel's eyes widened, seeing the curviture of her from this angle. Half of her nody escaped the blanket cover. Don't do that... he though reluctantly. Her body arched up and accentuated the female anatomy.

Then Lizzy looked around, processing where she was. Her gaze stopped on him and took a moment until Lizzy's realization sunk in. She sat up, realizing where she was. 'I slept here?' she asked in a panic whisper.

'You were super tired last night...' Joel reasoned. He gulped, hiding the flustering sensation in his chest.

'O-oh...' she didn't know what to think. 'Was I out of it? Did I talk in my sleep? Did I snore? Did you sleep next to me?'

'Y-you're fine.'

'I'm sorry.'

'W-what? No, it's fine.'

'I didn't mean to pop up and crash on your bed... I can't sleep, I was scared.'

'Yeah, It's fine.'

'Why are you down there? Did you sleep on the floor? Gosh, Joel, I'm so sorry.'

'No, I fell when I wake up, that's all.'

'Oh,' then she was flushed. 'Oh, I...' She closed her face out of embarassment. 'I better get back to my room before either of our parents finds out.'

'Yeah... good idea,' he said, remembering his parents should already be home.

Lizzy got out of bed. She stretched again, waking up her muscles. 'But really... thank you... I really needed the company...'

'No worries,' he said. He stood up quickly and opened the window for her. 'Be careful.'

The brown haired girl climbed out of the window and he had a lucky view of her rear sticking up in front of him. He shifted around uncomfortably, feeling guilty that he stared.

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