63. Comforting-

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She didn't remember how she got here when she walked back quietly to the castle. She was now sitting in the Great Hall with Sandra and Sebastian next to her. Across the table was Yvonne. No one spoke. But some were snivelling of runny nose and wet eyes. A Slytherin girl passed out in Lizzy's view, and her friends caught her and positioned her as comfortably.

Cedric Diggory was dead.

The teachers and officials were sullen. They waited for Dumbledore's presence No one dared to laugh or make jokes. All was quiet with minimal whispering of the event.

Dumbledore arrived. Along with some teachers who weren't present before, Harry Potter came with them. He settled quietly at the nearest bench to sit. Dumbledore informed that the body of Cedric Diggory -- also his devastated parents, were travelling home to prepare the funeral. Everyone else would undergo a memorial feast in memory of Cedric Diggory, tomorrow morning, right before Durmstrang and Beauxbatons' farewell.

'...You may retire to your Dormitories... dinner shall be sent to the Common Rooms. I feel deep remorse for all of us... Cedric Diggory was a brave, brave boy. His legacy will be respected as it should. Good night everyone... and rest well.'

Dumbledore left the premise through the back door near the teacher's table. The Ministry officials followed. Head of houses went up to talk to the prefects. And the prefects got into work.

'Stay in line, everyone. Walk calmly, I said walk calmly,' said a prefect near Lizzy.

She saw Joel as she was about to pass by. They met eyes. Joel looked like he was about to crumble out of shock. Even though she wanted to go there and comfort him, but, no... she obeyed the prefects and kept walking.


The Ravenclaw Common Room was filled in by many students of all years. They sobbed quietly and whispered to each other. Cho Chang, girlfriend of Cedric, was devastated. Her best friend, Marietta Edgecombe, comforted her with pats on the back.

'I'm scared...' said a boy in first year. He was standing near Sue. Sue crouched down and hugged him.

'It's going to be okay... we Ravenclaws look out for each other,' she said.

Moments later, Professor Flitwick came in with four prefects with him. A train of food and drink flew into the room. It landed on everyone. Everyone ate quietly. Something odd had been added to the meal. The more Joel consumed it, the sleepier he was. He finished it, along with some others. Then empty plates and glasses stacked itself in the corners of the room.

'I'll head up to bed... good night,' he said. His friends did the same.

That night, everyone slept a dreamless sleep, despite this terrible death.



Everyone got ready for the memorial ceremony. Everything was calm. Lizzy hadn't packed her stuff to go home tomorrow. On regular, she would be busy packing this day. But not now. Not when Cedric's memorial and other schools leaving today. So she went down to the Great Hall with her friends. But she stopped to meet Joel. She touched his shoulder and the boy reacted instantly. He got up to and hugged her tight.

'Did you get any sleep last night?' Lizzy asked, hiding in his shoulder.

'Yeah... you?'

'Yeah. I black out, the moment I got into bed.'

'Me too...'

Then Lizzy went to her seat with her friends, even though she didn't want to leave the comfort of his embrace. His warmth and safety.

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